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See the colors of the sky
Slowly turn from black and white
A rising hope, bright as gold
And now there's nothing left to lose
So we're breaking all the rules
And they don't know what we know
'Cause I can hear the thunder from afar
A lightning in the dark
I can feel a fire come alive
So calm before the storm
So dark before the dawn

-Robin Schulz

His words rang in my head I'm taking you with me...

My mind cast back to the history books that I had read about the Demon Alpha. No one knew where he lived, only because of modern technology he was able to be contacted. I remember one place in those books standing out to me, a place that everyone believed to be made up because no one knew how to get there or where it was... Regnum.

I shrugged off my thoughts and thought about the more pressing issues that were now confusing me.

1. How did the Demon Alpha get into my room, especially without the key to the door?

2. How was he able to come back onto the pack territory without anyone knowing?

3. Where would he be taking me?

All I could do was stare at him in shock, my body trembling in fear as he held me in his arms as if I weighed nothing. He smirked in amusement, which did not make me feel better it just made me more anxious.

"You don't need to fear me, Valerie," he chuckled lightly, adding emphasis to my name. Swallowing hard, I tried to break eye contact with him but I couldn't. My eyes were locked onto his and anyone would've felt uncomfortable for how much I was staring at him but he didn't seem to mind. My eyes left his for a few seconds as I looked at what he was wearing, he was still dressed in the professionally designed black suit as earlier, the material of his suit felt expensive. I breathed in deeply, trying to be as subtle as I could, but in the end, I just sounded like I had a sniffly nose. The smell of fresh pine and cinnamon entered my nose, that was one hell of an expensive cologne. My eyes drifted up to his, trying to memorise every bit of his perfect face.

"As much as I like you looking at me, we need to go," he spoke again, catching me off guard and I looked as he gestured to the bedroom door with a nod of his head.

I glanced at the door and shook my head, I was unable to find my words. I couldn't speak, my throat felt as if I had swallowed a ton of sand. I wanted to tell him that it was locked and could only be opened from the outside. The words never came out but they didn't need to, because he spoke exactly what I was thinking.

"I'm aware it's locked, I didn't come through the door." I turned back to look at him, frowning at his words.

I watched as he glanced over me, his eyes trailing to my hands that rested on my stomach and soon they zeroed in on the Alpha Richards' ring. I felt the Demon Alpha stiffen, his body instantly getting hotter; he was angry.

"Take that off before I do it for you."

The threat was light, he was testing me to see who's side I would choose; my fated mate or the forced mate. Obviously I would choose the former and I wasted no time in sliding the clunky ring off my finger and dropping onto my unmade bed.

The Demon Alpha's anger vanished his body temperature regulated and he exhaled out softly. I felt sick, could I deal with his flashes of hot and cold?

"I know you don't trust me but close your eyes." He dictated softly. I immediately assumed the worst, why did I need to close my eyes? What was he going to do? He must have sensed my apprehension at his words because he smirked, his eyes lighting up.

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