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19 years ago...

The Alpha tapped his foot impatiently, his knuckles clenched tightly by his side.

What was taking so long?

The unknown was frustrating him to the point where he wanted to throw his knuckles into the wall next to him. He knew he would get an earful from his Luna if he did such a thing... again

The screams of pain from his Luna set him on edge, he could feel the anxiousness of his inner wolf, they both didn't like the thought of their mate in pain; even if it was for a good reason. His Luna had been in this situation three times before, but for some reason this time it sounded much more worse. 

The pack doctors refused the Alpha to be in the same room as his Luna brought their fourth pup into the world, due to reasons that the Alpha kept on growling and shouting at anyone who went near his mate. He couldn't help it. It was natural for him to not want anyone to touch her, but it just made the labour more difficult for his mate. 

Minute by minute, the Alpha grew impatient. With his three sons, they had seemed to just walk out of his Luna. His eldest son, James who was next in line to be Alpha was already six years old. The Alpha's next two sons were twins and were only three years of age. The Alpha hadn't expected his Luna to fall pregnant again, he deemed that three sons were enough and that a fourth was not needed. Three children was already a struggle, but if a fourth child made his Luna happy then he would have to deal with it. 

The door of the room his Luna was in opened, a midwife and also pack member stepped out with a blank face. 

"You may come in now, Alpha," She spoke lowly with her head bowed. The Alpha growled softly and swiftly walked into the room, pushing the midwife out of the way so he could fit past the door frame. 

The Alpha stood in front of the bed that his mate lay on. He scanned the room, it was busy with a few pack members who were doctors and midwives. His Luna lay tiredly on the bed, her small body heaving slightly out of breath. Despite her tiredness, she smiled at her mate. Her dark brown hair was splayed over the pillow, her blue eyes were lit brightly, she looked ravishing despite giving birth minutes before. 

"I did it, honey," She said with happiness. The Alpha smiled back, although he was a serious man who rarely smiled; his happiness was only reserved for his mate and pups. 

"Where's the pup?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as he realised that his mate was not holding their new bundle.

Someone cleared their throat, desperate for the Alpha's attention.

"Alpha..." The Pack's head doctor said wearily. He was dressed in scrubs that had some blood on it, no doubt the blood was from the Luna. 

"What is it, Bill?" The Alpha spoke lowly, as he made his way to where Bill stood. Near him was a small incubator, he could sense that the pup lay in there, but he could not see it yet. 

"There's something you should see," the doctor said gesturing to the incubator. 

The Alpha walked over and peered into the incubator, where his baby lay. The alpha stared at the baby in front of him. The baby was so small, so delicate, it's skin a greyish colour and it's bones showing out through the skin. This baby did not look healthy nor did it look like a child of an alpha. However, that wasn't the startling aspect of it all... the baby had bright purple eyes. An eye colour so strange that it made the Alpha frown hard. The pup lay silently, not moving or making a sound at all. 

"I'm afraid this pup is not like your three sons, it appears that she has a slight deformity. Her eye colour is very bizarre, I've never seen such eyes before."

The Luna had given birth to a girl, the Alpha's first and only daughter. The Luna was told that it would be another son, how did the midwives reveal the wrong gender. 

The Alpha felt disgusted and shocked at the baby girl in front of him. His thoughts ran wild and he uttered the only words he could manage. 

"She is an omega, she is no daughter of mine!" Tha Alpha barked out, only loud enough for Bill to hear. 

"Is there's something wrong," the tired Luna spoke out to her mate. "Why won't they give her to me?" She questioned breathlessly. 

The Alpha turned his head to stare at his mate, how could she not know that this child was weak?

"Please give her to me," the Luna begged her mate softly. Without another word, the Alpha picked up the small baby, holding her in disgust before placing her in his mate's arms.

The Luna cooed at the baby, oblivious to the fact that she was weak and distorted. The Alpha felt confused, why couldn't his mate see how weak and disgusting this child was.

"My perfect baby girl," the Luna smiled softly, caressing her baby's cheeks.

"I think I'll call you Valerie, yes my little Valerie."

Anger rippled through the Alpha he hated the sight before him. His Luna connecting with their weak baby. This wasn't right, no Alpha should have such a weak child; it would cause a laughing stock amongst the Lycanthrope community. The alpha's mind raced, he wanted very much to end this baby's life; putting her out of her misery.

His jaw clenched as he thought hard, it felt wrong for other wolves to engage with this pup; a pup that he had quickly grown to dislike.

It angered him to see his Luna bonding with their disgrace of child! A Luna deserved a better daughter, and this one in her arms was not good enough. Before anyone could say or do anything, the Alpha gave an order that no one could go against; one that would break his Luna's heart but she would not have the will to act on it.

"Elizabeth Shields I order you not to connect with Valerie Shields. You will neglect this pup, never show her love or care. I Robert Shields order this of you!"

The Luna stared at her mate in shock, a small sob wanted to leave her but it was restricted. She slowly looked down at the baby in her arms, confusion washing over her face. Suddenly the baby didn't feel like her own, it felt foreign and strange in her arms.

The pack doctor stared at his Alpha in shock, never had he witnessed such a cruel act. This baby was innocent but yet the Alpha did not want anything to do with her. Slowly, the doctor took the baby from his Luna; knowing that this baby would never find comfort or love with her family.

"Take her away from us!" The Alpha snapped. The doctor nodded his head obediently and scurried away, with the young pup, to the pack nursery.

The Moon Goddess watched from the Heavens, tears streamed, her heart ached at the cruelty she had just witnessed. Little did Alpha Sheilds know that Valerie Shields would grow up to become a strong Luna; stronger than he could ever imagine. 


How was the first chapter, I know it's a bit short! The chapters will get slightly longer as the story progresses!

After this chapter, the point of view will be in first person, so those of you who don't like reading in the third person this chapter is the only one... for now :)

Please VOTE and COMMENT, I'm really interested to know what you all think!

Graphic on the side made by @carolinenwigg 

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