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Alaric POV

No one could ignore the rotting elephant in the room, also known at the corpse of the vampire. All eyes stared at it, as soon as I had dragged it into the conference room. The smell of dead old flesh merged with the revolting scent of the vampire, lingered in the air. It repulsed me to the point where I wanted to grab a lighter and set it on flames.

No one had seen a vampire in over five hundred years, the corpse was in the conference room for the sole reason of proving a point.  Many voices shouted in shock and horror, many mumbled under their breath, all it took was one look and they were all silent.

"The whole of Regnum is on lockdown until further notice," I stated loudly. Multiple pairs of eyes stared at me. "No one leaves, and no one enters."

The conference room held my ten deltas, Elijah, Adam and a few elders. They were the only ones who needed to know about the huge conundrum that had now occurred.

"Alpha, do you know if there are any more out there?" Elijah asked, eying the corpse in the corner of the room.

"I would presume that is the case," I grunted out, anger filling me up.

How could they still be alive, after all these centuries? The whole of the vampire species had been wiped out, I made sure of that. There must have been a few that escaped and stayed hidden, for all this time. 

"Alpha, we should alert the other packs!" Charles, the delta of one of the sectors in Regnum suggested.

I shook my head at his words.

"No! I will deal with this matter myself-"

"We don't know how many are out there, you didn't even give us the chance to question him!" Edward, an elder of Regnum said disapprovingly. He was the same elder who I had taken with me to the Shields pack, the same man who many people had thought was me.

I glared at him fiercely for interrupting me so disrespectfully. His eyes stared down at the curved table we were sat at.

As always I was stood at the head, whilst everyone else sat around facing me. The power dynamic could easily be realised. I had my own chair specially made for me, it had been in my possession for centuries but I never sat on it, in front of other wolves. I hated sitting down with other wolves, it made me feel like I was just like them but really I wasn't.

"Edward, do you think my actions in killing this vampire are not justifiable?" I questioned the elder watching as he squirmed under my gaze.

He raised his head to look at me and opened his mouth to speak but I spoke before he could utter out something idiotic.

"You think I should have kept this vampire alive? The same vampire that attacked my mate?" I spat out, gripping the backrest of my seat as Edward swallowed hard and shook his head.

"I'm sorry Alpha, I shouldn't have spoken out," he said sincerely.

"Damn right you shouldn't have," I said scornfully, relaxing my grip on the seat. I took a breath in, trying to not think of the foul stench of the corpse.

"Speaking of my mate, I require more protection on her." I turned to look at Dean. "I am aware you are her guard but if a vampire was able to approach her whilst she was under my protection, it's more than fucking likely to happen under your care."

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