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I'm a flame, you're the fire
I'm the dark in need of light
When we touch, you inspire
Feel the changin' me tonight


"Well, why wasn't I told?"

In front of the bakery door,  stood the rude female delta, the one who had turned her nose up at me when Alaric introduced me as his mate.

Just like the last time I saw her, she was dressed smartly but also as if she had just stepped off a fashion runway. Her red dress was tight on her body, stopping at her mid-thigh. Her blonde hair was straight to perfection and her face was caked in makeup. My palms felt sweaty and I instantly wanted to hide away from her. The look she was giving me was enough to make a puppy want to whine.

I turned to Dean, not knowing what to say or do, he frowned and stepped away from me; walking up to the rude woman.

"Hi Christine, so nice to see you too," Dean said sarcastically, as he crossed his arms over his chest and stood tall. He was taller than Christine even though she was wearing extremely high heels. To me, her shoes looked like an accident; waiting to happen.

Christine stormed forward standing at least a foot away from Dean. "Why wasn't I told she was here?" She was beginning to sound like a broken record, constantly asking the same irritating question. I hated the way she spoke about me as if I wasn't here. I should've been used to it, especially from my so-called father. But hearing it from someone I didn't even know, didn't sit right with me.

"Does the Luna need permission to visit this sector?" Dean asked her, I could just imagine him raising an eyebrow at her; even though his back was turned to me.

"Yes, she does! And I need to be informed!" She snapped, stomping her foot down on the ground, I was so sure that the heel on her stiletto was going to snap off.

Dean straightened up, unfolding his arms and clenched his fists. "Christine, you're being ridiculous-"

"No, I'm not, Dean! She shouldn't be here!" Christine glowered, at me furiously.

"For Fuck sake! Does the Alpha need permission to go into a sector?" He asked rhetorically. "No, he fucking doesn't! So why the hell should Luna Valerie need permission to set foot in this sector?"

"This is my sector, I am the Delta and I need to know!" She spat out.

A sickening feeling entered my body. Christine was the delta of the sector that held all the shops and stores in Regnum. How bloody coincidental that was, that she just happened to be a delta of a sector that I had started to like.

She glared at me, taking a step forward. Instantly, Dean was up in her face blocking her from me.

"Do you realise how threatening you're being right now? Do you want me to report this to the Alpha?" He sneered at her.

"Tell Alaric whatever you like, at the end of the day it's my sector and I make the rules!"

Dean burst out laughing shaking his head in the process.

"You've either sniffed some wolfsbane recently, or you're just plain stupid!" he said once he had recovered from his laughing attack.

Christine shot Dean a dry look and stamped her foot again.  "Don't forget Dean, you're inferior to me-"

"Actually I'm not, now get the fuck out of here before I make you!" He bellowed, making me jump at the sound of his voice. I hadn't heard Dean shout so loud, I hadn't even seen him look as angry as he did right now.

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