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Hello everyone,

Today is national writing day, so I had to update!

Originally, this chapter was going to be super long, but I decided to split it in two!

Please VOTE and COMMENT! Thank you to those of you that do, it really means a lot to me and I hope you like the chapter!

(Just a recap in case anyone forgot what happened in the previous chapter, Alaric kissed Valerie for the first time!)



Alaric leaned down slowly, and before I knew it he was pressing his lips against mine.

I was beyond shocked but somehow my eyes involuntarily closed, and I didn't fight or push him away. His arms encircled themselves around my waist, pulling me closer so that our bodies were pressed against each other. I could feel the hardness of his abdominal muscles through his soaked white shirt. The kiss was sweet and simple and barely lasted five seconds until he pulled away. His eyes scanned my face as if he was looking for any expressions of uncertainty, the warmth depths of brown made my heart flutter. I saw something different in his eyes, something that I hadn't seen before.

Alaric opened his mouth to speak but no words came out as soon enough I leaned up and kissed him again. As soon as our lips touched, it felt more than right, as if I was meant to be kissing Alaric. My arms wrapped around his neck, as I stood up on my tiptoes to reach him easily.

I had no idea what I was supposed to do, my touch was soft and unsure but it was soon changed. Alaric parted his lips slowly, before pressing them down onto mine fiercely. He took control, the pressure, the pace and everything was under his will. His lips moved against mine fast, my heart beating fast and my mind clouding. He pulled away and leant his forehead against mine; looking deep into my eyes. Gold flecks were speckled on his brown iris, he breathed in heavily, holding me close to him. His hand trailed up my damp back, slowly moving up to tangle his hands in my soaked hair.

No words were needed to say, I didn't want to ruin the moment by saying something awkward and stupid. Despite not feeling the mate bond, I knew that it was right that Alaric had kissed me. I instantly regretted my question from earlier, I should never have asked him if I really was his mate. Even if I couldn't feel the bond, I felt his feeling through his kisses.

Our heavy breaths and perhaps the hammering of my heart were all that could be heard.

"I know you don't feel the bond between us, but I can assure you it's real and I feel it," Alaric whispered. My stomach fluttered at his words, and I was pretty sure that the hair on my arms had stood up.

"I feel that you were meant to belong to me, and no matter how long it takes I will prove that to you, Valerie," Alaric declared.

I wanted to feel the sparks of the mate bond, right now at this moment. I knew he would never hurt me if anything he would protect me with his life if that was what it took. He had already proved that when he ripped out the black heart of a vampire.

I watched as Alaric's eyes flashed from brown to gold over and over. His wolf was itching to come out, itching to have the control to continue the mating bond.

"I'm not ready for us to mate... I-I... just want you to know that I trust you-"

"I can wait, Valerie," He promised, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. That was all I needed to hear, before I hugged him tightly, pressing my face into his hard but comforting chest.

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