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Every day
You're saying the words that I want you to say
There's a pain in my heart and it won't go away
Now I know I'm falling in deep
'Cause I need you here with me

-Marshmallow, CHVRCHES

There were some mornings where I loved to wake up early and watch the sunrise from the huge balcony windows. Then there were other days where the thought of waking up early, made my skin crawl.

Unfortunately, for me, one morning Alaric decided to wake me up in the most irritating way; by tickling me.

At first, I thought I was being attacked and I ended up squawking like a hyper-active bird. My eyes flew open and my body jerked about as Alaric hovered on top of me.

"What are you doing!" I yelled out, as he continued to tickle me. My voice was croaky and had cracked slightly, from all the screaming. Alaric's brown eyes shone with a wicked glint, as he smirked at me.

"Waking you up!" he replied, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, retracting his tickling hands. He placed his hands on either side of my pillow, adjusting his position so he wasn't putting his weight on top of me.

I sighed heavily and rubbed the sleep away from my eyes and covered my face with my hands. I had disgusting morning breath that Alaric really didn't need to smell.

With a heavy sigh, I asked. "What time is it?"

"Nearly five-"

"In the morning?" I asked incredulously, pulling my hands away from my face. "Alaric are you crazy?"

"Who knows," he shrugged with a smirk. Alaric leaned in, nuzzling his nose into the crook of my neck. Slowly, he inhaled deeply and ever so lightly pressed a kiss on the claim on my neck. I unwillingly shivered, the familiar feeling of butterflies entering the deep pit of my belly.

"I was thinking we could go for an early morning run," he breathed against my neck. "Stretch out our wolves."

I wanted to go back to sleep but Alaric kept on nuzzling his nose against my skin, placing kisses wherever he could.

"I'm too tired," I replied, craning my head up so that he could have better access to my neck. My mind wanted to sleep, but my body wanted more of Alaric's touch.

"Too tired to spend time with your mate, before he goes to the pack office?" Alaric asked, pulling away and cocking an eyebrow. The mischievous look in his eyes twinkled, and he knew that I couldn't say no.

I stared at him for a minute, taking in every aspect of his perfect face. He must have been awake for some time, before waking me up because he didn't look tired at all. His skin was flawless, his hair wasn't bed-messy, he actually looked like he had just come from a photoshoot. I, on the other hand, probably looked like a terrible mess.

"What do you say, love?" Alaric pressed.

"Fine," I grumbled.

Twenty minutes later, we stepped out into the early morning sunrise. The morning dew glistened across the land. It was slightly cold, and I suppressed the urge to shudder as the cool air touched the bare skin on my arms. I was still dressed in my pyjamas, I didn't see a need to change clothes or even put on shoes because they would soon come off regardless.

"Are you cold?" Alaric asked, giving me a side glance.

I shook my head. "I'll be warmer when I shift."

Together, we descended down the large driveway and towards the nearby forest. I cringed as my bare feet touched the wet, cold grass. Alaric didn't seem to mind as the wet grass slipped between his bare toes.

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