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"How can I help you?" The librarian looks up from her phone to face Taehyung. Taehyung nervously fiddles with his hand, and fix's his glasses before responding. It's after school, Taehyung came straight to the library after his last class.

"Um, hehe, Hi, I came to sign up as a tutor!" Taehyung cutely smiles with his mouth closed.

"Oh yeah that, can you give me your student number?" The librarian faces her computer

"Ah yes..." Taehyung fiddles with his bag, reaching in for his student ID card, and hands it to the librarian. The librarian punches in Taehyungs student number, revealing Taehyungs academic history.

"Very solid grades, nice work." The librarian comments, taehyung smiles a bit looking down, and whispers.

"Thank you"

"Okay, sign up here than," the librarian pulls out a clipboard with a couple names on them, and pushes it towards Taehyung.

Taehyung leans down to fill his name in with the pen attached to the clipboard. "Umm, How much will I get paid?" Taehyung says still leaning with one of his elbows supporting him, looking up at the librarian.

"15 dollars an hour, we'll give you a check after every session you have with a student. You can come either at lunch or after school to be a tutor, or both. The more you come the more money you'll receive" The librarian explained everything. Taehyung stood up, taking a deep breathe.

"Thank you" Taehyung said with his cute boxy smile, making the librarian smile a bit herself. The librarian than takes the clipboard back.

"You can sit around over there, I'll let you know when a student that wants tutoring comes." The librarian points to a location behind Taehyung. Taehyung turns around to see a few students simply just reading, others on their phones, and a few visibly in tutoring sessions. No seats were opened except the one where the students on their phones were sitting. Taehyung turned back facing the librarian and said thank you, the librarian nodded with a smile in return, and went back onto reading her book. Taehyung walked over to the students on their phone, and kindly asked.

"Excuse me, is it okay if I sit here?" Taehyungs gestured to the vacant seat in front of him. Taehyung smiles cutely but awkwardly. Both of the students looked up at Taehyung.

"Sure, we're just waiting for our parents to pick us up so we'll be going soon anyways." One of the kid responded. Taehyung than nodded.

"Oh thank you." Taehyung than sat down happy, ready to help any students in need, and excited to help his mother with the money.


"Gu where are we going?" Minsung asked with a pout as he and Jungkook were heading towards the library. Jungkook carrying Minsung in his hand.

"To the library Min, think you can be quiet and behave while we're there?" Jungkook said to Minsung. Minsung smiled, nodding at Jungkook.

"Yes!" Minsung said proudly, making Jungkook smile. Jungkook makes a turn, he than sees the entrance to the library.

"All right, we're here now." Jungkook puts down Minsung, making Minsung coo a bit upset as he wanted to be carried by Jungkook longer. Regardless, Minsung held hands with Jungkook as they both headed to where the librarian sat.

"Hi... um, is this where you can be tutored?" Jungkook asked as he scratched the back oh his head. The librarian looked up to see Jungkook. she looked down and saw little Minsung as well.

"Yes... there are no kids allowed here" The librarian kindly mentioned.

"I promise he won't misbehave." Jungkook said

"No it's just that we can't have anyone other than students and staff in the library."

"What's wrong Gu?" Minsung asked as he looked up to Jungkook with his head tilted.

"Nothing Min, don't worry about it okay?" Jungkook gently smiled at Minsung

"Okay..." Minsung pouted.

"If you would like, I can take the little boy to the office so that he will be taken care of while you're being tutored." Jungkook furrowed his brows at the thought. He worried that Sanrah whom he despised was still at the office. He decided he would take the risk since tests and exams would be starting next week, and he cannot risk to fail another class.

"That would be very helpful" Jungkook says as he plasters a fake smile on his face. The librarian smiles back, and gets out of her seat to walk towards Minsung. She leans down to talk to Minsung.

"Hey little guy, your father-"

"I'm his brother" Jungkook says

"Oh I'm sorry." The librarian says looking back at Jungkook for a moment, but quickly facing Minsung again. "Your big brother needs to study for a little bit, so I'm gonna take you to somewhere you can play okay?" Minsung frowned at the librarians words, despite the acceptaning nod he does, he felt upset at the fact that he had to stay away from Jungkook again. Minsung runs to Jungkook, hugging Jungkooks leg tightly. The librarian stands back up

"Do I have to go again?" Minsung said quietly. Jungkook gently pats Minsung on the head.

"It'll only be for a little while." Jungkook said with a gentle smile. But Minsung only buries his face more into Jungkooks leg. Jungkook sighs, and carefully crouched down, both hand on either side of Minsungs shoulders, who was pouting with a frown. "How about this Min, once I'm done here, we'll go to get some ice cream before I go work, how about that?" Jungkook says with a bunny smile. Minsung slowly looks up, and shows his cheeky smile.

"Yes!" Minsung says

"But only if you're a good boy, understand?" Jungkook says, and Minsung nods aggressively

"Okay!" Minsung replies

"Good! Now go with this lady over here, I'll come back soon." Jungkook says as he stands up.

"Before we go, which subjects are you struggling with?" The librarian asks.

"Umm.." Jungkook looks away from the librarian, scratching the nape of his neck. "...all of them" The librarian sighs, but than gently smiles, and takes out a clipboard, handing it to Jungkook.

"Sign in here, next to this boy Kim Taehyung, he doesn't have a student yet, and I'm sure he can help you with all the subjects."

Tutoring - Taekook ffWhere stories live. Discover now