3 - That's not okay

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Jungkook POV

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck

I finally choose an outfit. Tight ripped jeans that pop my muscular legs very nicely. And a black leather jacket. Fuck shirts, I don't have enough time.

I'm already late

I slide down the stair railings and sprint to the kitchen. Grabbing a slice of bread, and placing it in the toaster.


My hands are impatiently tapping on the table. I keep taking glances at the clock.
"Is it not done yet?" I take a look at how much longer I need to wait. The timer hasn't even turned halfway yet "Fuck it, I don't need breakfast, I gotta go" I ditch the toaster, and grab my backpack. I'm not even sure if everything I need is in there, but I can always borrow things from others.
"Gu, are u going to school?" Minsung asks as he walks down the stairs.
"Yeah sorry Min," I say as I tie the laces of my timberland shoes. Minsung tilts his head lightly to one side, and asks me another question. I almost open the door to leave when,
"Do I have to stay home?" I stop dead in my tracks, and look back at my little brother.

I can't leave Minsung home alone.

He's only 5, he shouldn't be anywhere without me. Sure enough, I stretch both my arms out for Minsung to jump into, he giggles a little and hops into my arms. I lift him up, and turn, walking out the door and of course, locking the door too.
"Min, are u ready for a ride?" I say, preparin myself for a run. Minsung giggles in my ears, and rests his chin on my shoulder, arms gently wrapped around my neck.
"Hehe, yes!" With that, I sprint as fast as I can to my school. Panting excessively as my feet hits the concrete ground. Minsung squeals and giggles happily throughout the whole run, strong grip on the back of my shirt to make sure he doesn't fall until,

We finally arrive at school.


I jump in right before the gates closed on us,

Holy shit that was close

My pace slowly dies down as I walk closer to the front door. Before I go inside, I put the still giggling Minsung down,
"Again! Again!" Minsung smiles at me jumping up and now.
"Maybe another time, in the mere future" I say smiling to Minsung, panting, heart racing from that run. I look over at the front door, and back at Minsung. "Well, lets go in shall we?" I gently hold Minsung's tiny hands in mine, and walk into the school building. I quickly head to where I remember my first class was. It's the second term, the schedule shouldn't have changed. Since it the same from the beginning to the end of the year, or at least that's how I remember it.
"Jungkook!" A voice stops me from taking a step up the stairs, I turn to face the direction where the voice came from. Aww shit it's my counsellor.
"Oh umm, good morning Mr. Wang" I awkwardly reply to my counsellor, can't even make eye contact with him. I take a quick glance, making quick eye contact wth Mr Wang. He's wearing a grey suit like a damn business man, glasses and highly gelled up hair. It doesn't make him look any younger. I can feel his eyes piercing right through me. He clears his throat, and with a stern tone, he talks to me.
"I'm glad I bumped into you Jungkook. You know, I was going to call for you to come to my office while you were in your first class to talk about your grades."

I knew this was going to happen.

My heart sinks and my anxiety rises as those words slip out of his mouth..."grades." That's all he ever talks about with me. Well, I guess that kind his job, talking to his students about problems that they're having or some shit like that. Honestly I don't know enough about being a counsellor to say anything, so I try not to make things any harder for Mr. Wang. But I'm not doing a very good job, since I can't really control myself. I sigh in annoyance, finally making eye contact with Mr Wang.
"Again?" I say without a thought. Mr Wang sighs with clear distaste, looking down for a moment and looks back up at me.
"Yes Jungkook. I'm saying this because," Mr Wang pauses for a moment. "Jungkook, you failed every class last term. This term, a lot of the classes you're in will be using studies from last term to move on forward. Without the knowledge from last term, you have a high risk of failing again." Mr Wangs face is emotionless, but his eyes are vibrant with worry and begging for acceptance.
"Yeah so," I say coldly, Mr Wangs brows furrow slightly, and he speaks up again
"Jungkook.. you failed everything last term, everything! If you repeat this again this term. I'm afraid, we cannot let you graduate." My eyes slowly widen as I process what he just told me. Than, my heart drops to the pit of my abdomen, and my palms begin to sweat.

I won't be able to graduate??

I didn't realize how shitty I was doing at school, distracted from all the struggles I had outside. I can't, I can't not graduate, I need to graduate.

I need to graduate this year

"What?? What- what am I suppose to do??" I say clearly panicking, catching Mr Wang a bit by surprise. But his eyes grow soft with a slight glimpse of relief, but still clear worry. Mr Wang Places a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm afraid... you don't have many options. I suggest you review what you've been taught last term, and look over as you get new projects and homework." He pats my shoulder "I wish the best for you jungkook, I know you're a very capable student." Mr Wang takes his hand off my shoulder. He looks down to see a perplexed Minsung staring back at him. It looks like he just noticed Minsung. He looks back at me, than back and Minsung, brows raised. "I-is this your son!?" Mr Wang points at Minsung.
"Well I just- never mind, I'm sorry" Mr Wang scratches the back oh his head. "So, you're taking him to class with you?" He says looking at me. Shit I didn't think of that.
"Uhh well... I thought maybe it was okay? I couldn't leave him, I'm sorry." I say in all honesty, Mr Wang let's out a big sigh, and stretches his hand out towards Minsung.
"We have a care room in the office, he can wait there while you're busy in class." I feel very off about not having Minsung in my sight, but this isn't the first time he's been to a daycare sort of thing while I was busy. Minsung grasp on my hand grows stronger.
"It's okay Minsung, he's just taking you to daycare." Minsung looks up at me for reassurance, and I smile. My heart aches as Minsung looks clearly afraid to follow Mr Wang,
"Come on little boy, Your brother is busy! We don't have all day" Minsung slowly lets go of my hand, and stands next to Mr Wang. Mr Wang begins to walk, as Minsung follows from behind. Rage rises in me as I think through on what just happened. I'm at risk of not graduating, and I can't even properly take care of Minsung, that he has to stay in that Care room for hours.
"Agh.. GODDAMIT" I bang my hand against the railing near the stairs, ignoring the flaming pain and dent I've created. I place my hands in my pocket, and angrily walk up the stairs, and through the hallway to my class. I slam open the class door. Startling everyone in class. All eyes are on me as I walk to the very back, choosing a seat, and resting my feet on the empty seat next to mine. Anger is clearly defined on my face, no one dares talking to me or looking at me for more than a second. My back is leaned against the chair, I'm facing down, lost in my thoughts.

How am I gonna get through the rest of the year?

I'm paying no attention to my surroundings, till a pair of legs are visible in my peripheral vision.

"Ummm... excuse me.. could you move your feet please?"

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