Tutoring Session

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"Who's Kim Taehyung?" Jungkook says as he fills in the places next to said boy's name on the clipboard.

"He's one of the tutors, and he's sitting right...over there." The librarian points to a table behind Jungkook. Jungkook turns around to see who he will be tutored by. His eyes widen at the sight of the beautiful brunette boy, peacefully reading a book as he rests his face on one hand. It's that pretty person in my first period class. Jungkook thought to himself. Jungkooks turns back to the librarian with a smile, and mouths a "thank you." The librarian replies with a nod and a smile, and heads to the  office with Minsung. Jungkook takes his bag that was sitting on the floor, lifting it up onto his shoulder as he walked towards Taehyung. Taehyung doesn't notice at all at Jungkook who was standing directly across Taehyung from the table.

"Hey" Jungkook speaks up, making Taehyung jump a bit as he nervously puts away his books. Making Jungkook chuckle at the cute reaction.

"O-oh h-hi Jungkook...hehe." Taehyung clasps his hands together, and shows his boxy smile, his cheeks tint a soft pink. Jungkook tilts his head with his bunny smile, lifting a brow.

"How do you know my name?"

"Oh! Uhh.. my friends told me." Taehyung replies as he nods his head. A short moment of silence takes place between the 2 as Jungkook admires Taehyungs features once again. "So...Jungkook...why are you in the library?" Taehyung asks with curiosity. Jungkook takes a deep breathe, and starts walking toward the empty seat next to Taehyung.

"I came here to be tutored...." Jungkook takes his seat, and leans into Taehyung, inches away from his face, Taehyungs leans back a bit from the sudden action. "By you~" Jungkook gently boops Taehyungs nose with a smirk, making Taehyung a blushing mess from the action.

"AaAaaaaAaa....ummmm.... okay... w-which subjects are you struggling wi-" before Taehyung finish his sentence, Jungkook slithered his hand around Taehyungs waist, pulling Taehyung into a hug. Taehyungs feels as if his heart is beating out of his chest. "J-Jungkook ah...." Taehyung looks up to Jungkook with doe eyes.

"Hugging things I like make me comfortable" Jungkook says as he gently brings Taehyung even closer to himself, resting one of his hands on Taehyungs thigh while the other arm was wrapped around Taehyungs waist. "Oh and I-I'm struggling with every subject...I'm failing real bad." Jungkook says, not making eye contact with Taehyung. Taehyung breathes in, trying to calm his heart.

"O-okay so.. since we're in the same math class.. I-I'll teach you math!" Taehyung says with a smile. Taehyung than turns to grab his bag, taking out his math textbook and a few lined papers. Taehyung hands a pencil to Jungkook, and Jungkook takes it in his hand. "We have a bit of homework that's due next class, I'll help you okay?" Taehyung smiles, tilting his head a bit at Jungkook. fuck he's so cute Jungkook thinks, nodding his head. Taehyung nods back cutely, and Turns around to face his textbook. "Okay! So the teacher gave us page 200-220 to work on... so much on the first day but we can do it!" And so Taehyung helps Jungkook with the math homework.

Tutoring - Taekook ffWhere stories live. Discover now