Spider-Man x Nova

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commission by: socks7778

[A/N]: Again, sorry for taking so long, but I really did my best

"Peter, we need to talk."

Those words were never a good thing, especially coming from the higher-ups. And now it was Fury himself speaking, which only made it seem more serious. The hero nervously nodded and followed him down to the office, searching his mind for what he must've done wrong. Did he break something? Did he miss a report? Did he annoy someone? Did he forget about a patrol? God, what happened?

Fury led him into his office and made him sit down. He was quiet for a moment, causing the tension to get to Peter. What did he do? Wouldn't it be easier to just tell him? If it was just a small issue then they probably would've fixed it by now, there was no need to let the things escalate... Eventually, he lost his patience.

"Fury, wh-" he tried to ask, but the man sighed.

"It's Nova," he answered the not-yet-asked question. Peter frowned.

"What? What about him?" he asked nervously. He was sure he would be able to handle whatever was coming.

"He's... been taken," Fury said. The young hero immediately froze. He simply stared forward as the man continued. "We're still struggling to find his location and it might be a while before we get him back..." he explained.

"...Who?" Peter finally asked, his voice firm. Fury looked at him in confusion. "Who took him? I need names," he requested. The man seemed hesitant.

"We mostly suspect... Doctor Octopus, but..."

"That's where I'll start, then," Peter nodded and got back up. Fury wanted to stop him, but gave up on that. If Peter wanted to immediately turn his negative feelings into productivity, why not? Well, Fury apparently didn't realize how overwhelmed Peter was.

As soon as he left the office, the hero put on his suit and left, going from one of Ock's hideout to another, fighting anyone and anything that got in his way. He knew how cruel that monster was and didn't want to imagine what he could do to Sam if he didn't hurry up and find them already. But there were so many places to look through and so little time!

Peter didn't even feel the time pass. Sure, he knew that the position of the sun changed a lot, but his mind refused to register it fully. All he could think of were the hideouts he was yet to visit. What if Octopus moved around? Switched bases? What if he had a way of avoiding him? But he couldn't give up, he had to press on.

The day soon turned into the night and then, another morning came. Spider-Man didn't rest at all during that time, and he only made two short breaks to grab some food on his way from a base to base. He felt like he could still keep it up, though, he wasn't exhausted yet. Or at least he didn't feel it over his worry.

Finally, in one of the older hideouts, the moment he entered he could tell he wasn't alone. He could hear the soft sound of typing and immediately knew that he finally found who he was looking for. Normally, he'd simply jump right in and fight, but he decided to sneak up on the evil scientist instead. He waited until he was just close enough to fight and finally revealed his presence.

"Octopus!" he called out. The doctor jumped and quickly turned around to face him.

"Ah, Spider-Man. I see you've been searching for me-" he started, but Peter didn't have time for his monologuing this time.

"Just tell me where Nova in!" he demanded, cutting the older man off. Doc smiled before speaking.

"So you're in search for your little friend-" he started slowly, but again, Peter didn't have time. He quickly used his web to swing something that looked like a robot prototype at his enemy's face, causing him to stop speaking and fall back. Not wasting a moment, the hero jumped over, grabbed him, and pulled him closer.

"Where?!" he demanded. The villain tried to struggle away, but Peter had no intention of letting him go. "Tell me where he is!"

"Fine!" Octopus snapped, giving up on struggling away. "He's down there," he said, using one of his tentacles to point to a mildly hidden staircase.

"...You best not be lying," the hero growled. Then, before Doc could react, he was knocked out with a solid punch. Peter had better things to do than waiting for him to monologue again.

Not wasting more time, he headed down the stairs, keeping his guard up. When he finally made it to the other floor, somewhere deep underground, he was greeted by a sight he didn't want to see. Many, many doors with no windows and no way to see inside. This would most likely take ages!

"Nova?!" he called out, his voice echoing down the hall but with no answer. The doors must've been soundproof too, then. Great.

With no other way around it, Peter opened the first door and found an empty room. He moved on to the other one, but the sight didn't change much. The more doors he opened, the more anxious he was getting. He was wasting so much time! He had to hurry, he had to get to Sam! The rooms were no longer empty after a while, they had many weird things inside. Plans, weapons, chemicals, computers... yet still no sign of his boyfriend.

The smells coming from the rooms were getting more disturbing as time passed, too. His insides twisted every time he was about to look into a room and could smell something metallic before he got to see what was inside. Luckily, it was never a living being, but he still wasn't sure if it would be the case in the next room.

And then, finally, by some miracle, behind an average door, there he was. Nova. Sam. He was visibly hurt and unmasked, with bruises and cuts covering his skin and small strains of blood staining his clothes. He slowly opened his eyes the moment he heard someone enter. And in that very moment, they both just froze and stared.

"Sam!" Peter cried out eventually, breaking through the shock and rushing over, immediately pulling him into a hug.

It was a tight hug, and Sam winced in pain at first, but the relief he felt upon seeing Peter there was more than enough to make him smile and hug back. He could feel the other hero tremble a bit, but none of them even tried to pull away for quite some time. Only after literal minutes passed, Peter backed up a bit and took off his mask so his boyfriend could see his face better.

"...You're here," Sam smiled as he said that. His voice sounded as weak as he looked like...

"I'm here," Peter nodded, taking a deep breath. "Now come on, let's get out of here," he said, getting off the ground and offering his boyfriend a hand. Sam looked down.

"...I can't walk," he admitted hesitantly, pointing to his leg. It was visibly broken, how did Peter only now notice?

"It's alright. I'll just carry you out, then," he said, kneeling back down. Sam laughed quietly, holding back tears. Little did he know, Peter wasn't joking.

"Sure..." he sighed right before feeling Peter's hands around him, gently lifting him off the ground and holding him up in bridal style. "H-hey!" he gasped. He couldn't believe he forgot how strong his boyfriend was.

"Does it hurt?" he asked with worry, but Sam quickly shook his head.

"No! Just... can we just go?" he muttered quietly. He hated to admit that, but he was in a lot of pain because of the wounds and he was terrified of the thought of Octopus catching them before they would get to leave.

"Yeah, of course," Peter nodded, placing a gentle kiss on Sam's forehead as he started to walk. He got him back.

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