Iron Fist x Thena daughter!Reader

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[A/N]: Now, this WAS requested. I didn't reply to the person that requested it because the reader's pronouns were pretty clear with the term "daughter" and the plot itself was more than enough to go off of, so I had no questions. Sadly, I'm afraid that the person responsible for this idea deleted their comment, because it's nowhere to be found. However, I already wrote over half of it already, so I decided to finish it. If you somehow remember who requested it, then feel free to inform them/tag them. That being said, enjoy!

commission by ???

You lied on your bed, looking around your room. No matter how hard you tried, you kept looking back at the poster hanged on your wall, right next to you. It was already old and slightly bleak, but you promised yourself that you'd never throw it out. You got it from your dad when you were younger and it had your mother, Thena, on it. You wished you got to meet her, but she disappeared so long ago that you didn't even remember her. You were sure that if she was around, she would be able to help you figure out your powers and you wouldn't have to go to Shield, looking for help. But hey, at least you had a loving father and made some friends in the organization, so that was something. Right?

You really liked that poster. After all those years, it still looked pretty and you always found it somewhat comforting. Even looking at it always made you feel less alone. It was happening back when you were figuring out your powers and it stayed that way until now. That's why when you moved to Shield, you brought it with yourself and hanged it up in your new room. And even now you looked at it until suddenly, there was a knock on your door. You sat up and looked at it for a moment before answering.

"Come in!" you called out and soon enough, the door opened and your friend, Danny, walked in.

"Hi, [y/n]," he greeted, waving his hand slightly.

"Hi, Danny! What brings you here?" you asked, smiling friendlily at him.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go train with me?" he offered hesitantly. You nodded eagerly.

"Yeah, of course! When? Now?" you agreed immediately, getting off the bed and stretching a bit. He chuckled a bit upon seeing your enthusiasm.

"If you're okay with that," he answered. It was obvious that he was ready, he had his suit on and everything...

"Alright, let me just change and I'm ready too!" you confirmed, walking over to your closet.

"I'll meet you in the training room, [y/n]," he announced and you heard him leave your room.

"Yeah, sure!" you called after him.

You quickly roamed through your closet, trying to find your training suit. You hoped it looked okay, you really didn't want to look bad in front of Danny. Ah, Danny... truth be told, you didn't see him as just a friend. You really wished that you two would become more than that, and sometimes he acted like he felt the same, but... none of you ever made the move, so it was probably just your imagination. But still, you wanted to look as good as you could around him, just to be safe.

When you finally found your suit, it wasn't that bad. You quickly put it on and after tying your hair back, you ran to the training room. When you arrived, Danny was already there, sitting in the middle of the floor and most likely meditating. When he heard you enter, he smiled and got up, approaching you.

"Ready, [y/n]?" he asked, already clenching his fist.

"Yeah, let's get this going!" you agreed, getting into a defensive position.

Almost as soon as you said that, training robots emerged and attacked you two. You didn't struggle to fight with them that much, you trained a lot and your powers were pretty strong, so the only thing in your way was the struggle of trying to stay focused on the fight while Danny was right there, somehow catching your attention almost every time he defeated another enemy. And The robots were too developed for you to just beat them while keeping your eyes on Danny. It shouldn't be too surprising, then, but eventually one of them managed to get to you, knocking you off your feet.

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