Danny x Depressed girl

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commission by jiInxXynerd

Danny's POV.

I sat down in the classroom and waited for the lesson to start. The teacher came late, which was surprising since he usually was there even before the lesson started. He entered the room and led a girl I've never seen before. She was wearing a light blue hoodie and a pair of jeans, which was weird, it was hot outside after all! He took her to the front of the room and then cleared his throat.

"Hello class, this is [y/n], and she will join our class for a few months. As you may already guess, she's a foreign exchange student from Great Britain. From what information I have, she's a little shy, so don't push on her, she'll surely appreciate it." the teacher spoke.

The girl only nodded slightly, she really seemed to be shy. She slowly made her way to the back of the classroom, where she took a sit. As she passed next to me I felt some weird vibe she was giving off. Like her soul was hunted by something. I looked at her, but she just turned her head away from my gaze and picked up the speed. For the rest of the day, I couldn't even spot her talking to anyone. Guess she really is a loner.

A few weeks passed and she still wasn't talking to anyone, but everyone just figured she was slowly growing on us. She was spending her breaks alone, sitting on a bench and writing something down in her notebook, eventually reading sometimes. When she was doing this, she looked calm and peaceful, but each time someone was passing next to her, she felt alarmed and the weird vibe she was giving off since the first day was getting stronger. And so I decided not to disturb her and kept my distance, just like almost everyone.

It was my duty to make patrols every Friday, so just like usually I put on my suit and started patrolling streets, trying to stop muggers and other bad people from hurting innocents, and maybe to spot some wanted villains that try to make their way to their hideouts under the cover of the night. I was moving from a rooftop to a rooftop not making a sound. I got lost in my thoughts just like always on nights peaceful like this one. Not even a single assault or robbery was taking place, no villains were trying their luck, no drunk people were fighting, even sirens of police cars were awfully quiet.

The patrol was going great so far and I hoped to get home soon, but I sensed the vibe very similar to the one that [y/n] was giving off if disturbed in school, yet a lot stronger. Like someone's soul was literally being crushed by all the bitterness and grief this world could possibly have in it. I just had to check where was it coming from, that could be something dangerous! And so I made my way to another rooftop and another, until I finally saw it.

It was [y/n], standing on the edge of a tall building, looking down with her eyes filled with tears. She seemed so sad and broken, I just froze up, looking at that heartbreaking image in front of me. I was close, but she didn't saw me, all too caught up in her own misery. She was shaking, choking on her own tears and sobs, until she finally closed her eyes and took one step forward.

My heart dropped. She just... jumped. I wasn't standing frozen anymore, no, I was running at my full speed, hoping to get there in time. The building she jumped off of was taller than the one I was at, so I still had time. Right? I reached the edge of my rooftop and jumped towards, catching her in the air. Before she could realize what was happening I was able to catch the edge of the fire escape and save us both from falling to our deaths.

[y/n]'s POV.

I closed my eyes tighter when I felt something wrap around me, sure that it was the end, but I didn't feel any more pain. Instead, I could feel an arm wrapped around my waist. I slowly opened my eyes, looking at the person holding me. It was a boy around my age, dressed in gold and green suit with a black dragon on his chest. His face was covered by a mask, but I could see blond hair sticking out from under it. He was holding m in one of his hands while he used the second one to keep us both in the air, holding the fire escape.

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