USM!Harry Osborn x Reader (female)

178 3 2

commission by: -eggnoodle

Your POV.

"[y/n], no," Spider-man said strictly. You frowned, crossing your arms.

"Why not? If you think Venom is back, you're going to need everyone with you! Why do you think I shouldn't join?" you demanded. He sighed.

"Because I can do this on my own. And you have an exam tomorrow. You need to prepare for that!" he answered, though he sounded very uncertain in your opinion.

"Oh, come on! It's just one exam, I'm sure I'll pass! And if not, Coulson can always come up with something!" you argued, having a feeling that he's hiding something.

"I'm sorry, [y/n], but it's already decided," he shook his head and, before you could continue to argue, he was gone.

You groaned in annoyance, it was obvious that he wouldn't handle everything 'on his own'! He needed his whole team the last time, there was no way he'd win solo while also being sick! You knew you had to step in fast, you didn't want him to get hurt! And so, you quickly went to grab some Shield's electric weapons and got on your way. You just hoped to get there in time.

You had no issue finding out where Spidey and Venom were, it was pretty obvious thanks to all the people running away from a certain direction in absolute fear. Not wasting any time, you headed where the battle was happening and soon enough, the "two Spider-Mans" came into view. Yet, the one in the black suit looked far less human than you remembered him to be. ...He resembled Venom far more. Just as you approached, the enemy threw the real Spider-Man down and got in his way so he couldn't leave.

"Remember who you are!" Spidey pleaded, looking around for a way out but not noticing you.

"Oh, I remember. I'm Venom," the enemy answered, confirming the obvious. Whoever was inside, had no control at all.

You pulled out one of the weapons you brought with yourself, a weird variation of a gun that could also be described as a "long-distance taser", perfect for the job. You took aim and fired, hitting Venom just before he could hit the hero he was fighting. You closed your eyes, almost blinded from the sparks coming from your weapon, and you could clearly hear the beast screeching. Was it enough? Did you do it? You decided to open your eyes and take a look-

"Duck!" Spider-Man yelled, but before you could realize what was happening, Venom was already rushing in your direction.

He jumped towards you and firmly grabbed you, picking you off the ground with one hand and disarming you with the other one. You didn't stop him at all, you just made him angry... After he threw your weapons away, his free hand quickly went back to you and before you could react, you felt a sharp pain in your abdomen. You froze, letting out a soft gasp and just staring at his face. His sharp, white teeth formed a wide grin and he ripped your mask off, throwing you to the ground right after that to show that he won. Your hands immediately reached towards your stomach and you soon enough could feel warm blood running between your fingers.

"...Oh no..." you could hear Spider-Man say in the distance. You shivered.

You really wished you listened to him before. Just left him to fight Venom alone and go study like a normal girl. Who knows, maybe you'd call your boyfriend, Harry, and you two could try studying together? It could've been just a normal afternoon, but now you were lying in the middle of the street, bleeding heavily and losing hope. And just then, you've heard Venom talk too.

"...[y/n]..." he said, struggling with pronunciation a lot, but managing to choke your name out. ...Did he know you?

Swiftly, the enemy rushed over, picking you off the ground. It felt more gentle than the first time he did that, but you blamed the blood-loss on that feeling. Venom was the enemy and you had to remember that. He quickly started to run, carrying you in his arms as he moved between the buildings, trying to get away from Spider-Man, who was now right behind you two. You tried to struggle, kick and hit the air, but it just caused you more pain and probably opened your wound more.

"No! Harry, leave her alone!" Spider-Man yelled after Venom, and that's when it clicked in your head.

'Harry'? Was Harry the one corrupted by Venom? No, this couldn't be, no... Your Harry...

"...H-Harry?" you choked out despite the pain. Venom shivered and let out a quiet whimper.

"[y/n]..." he repeated your name again, still stuttering while saying it. And you already knew, it was really him...

Suddenly, he shot a web in Spider-Man's direction and blocked his way. Then, he landed on one of the nearest rooftops, nearly collapsing to the ground while he tried to gently set you down. Your hands quickly went to cover your wound again and you could tell that your shirt was already soaked in your blood. You slowly looked up at him, trying to hold back your tears but struggling with the pain.

"...Harry..." you quietly said his name. And right in front of you, the symbiote got more and more liquid, dripping off of your boyfriend's body and staining the rooftop black. He was crying, but now you could finally see his face. As perfect as always.

"[y/n]!" he cried out, shakily reaching towards you. Your name sounded just as sweet as it did when he first said it...

You weren't afraid of him nor the symbiote. You knew he was in control now. He was back. And so, despite all the pain you were feeling, despite how everything was getting blurry, despite how weak you felt already... you smiled. You smiled, and reached up to his face, trying to wipe away his tears. You could feel that he leaned his head against your hand, only making you smile brighter.

"I- I'm g-glad that y-you're bac-back..." you muttered, your voice nothing but a faint whisper. But you knew he could hear you loud and clear. "I l-love you..." you added, choking on your own tears. And just then, the world went black.

Harry's POV.

As her body fell limp, I felt more tears streaming down my face.

"I- I love you too, [y/n]..." I answered, taking her hand. "I- I'm sorry..."

Oh God, what have I done?

[A/N]: As always, sorry for the long wait. Also, is she dead, is she just passed out, is she in a coma? It's up for you to decide, as a kind of open ending.

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