Scarlet Spider x Axeri (OC)

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commission by axerrri

[A/N]: The OC (Axeri) belongs to axerrri, not to me! I really hope that the way I wrote her wasn't too out of character. Also, I'm sorry for taking so long to get this done... Oh, and also also, I wasn't sure if I should write this in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd POV. While I ended up settling with the 3rd one, I'm alright with changing it to the other ones! It shouldn't take too much time, so just tell me if you want me to do so!

Oh, and for a bit of context for everyone else, Axeri's power makes anyone who looks into her eyes hallucinate or have a nightmare. Everyone but her S/O, that is! So keep that in mind, because it comes up in the story for a brief moment, and even though it's not too important, it could be confusing if you didn't know that.

It was a nice, quiet night without any emergencies occurring, which was a pleasant change from the usual chaos happening in New York after dark. The sky was already a deep dark shade of blue and littered with stars, which made the night feel almost magical, especially when combined with the soft, uninterrupted silence.

Axeri was in her room in the triskelion, sitting on a windowsill and glancing outside every now and then, holding a book in her hands but not really reading it anymore. She couldn't help but wonder if Ben would come before she'd have to go back to sleep. He promised to drop by earlier that day, but he was running pretty late at that point.

Just as she was starting to lose her faith, she heard footsteps slowly walking down the hall. They sounded somewhat weird, irregular and uneven, that didn't sound like anyone she knew. At first, she tried to ignore them, but when she heard them stop in front of her room, it finally caught her attention. She turned her head to look at the door just in time to see it open and Ben walk, or rather limp, inside. He wasn't wearing his mask, so she could clearly see that he was annoyed, yet his expression seemed to soften when he looked at her.

"Hey, it's nice to see you," he greeted with a very faint hint of a smile appearing on his lips.

"Hi. Are you okay?" she asked, putting her book away and getting off the windowsill.

"Yeah, just had a rough training session," he answered, nodding slightly while walking inside and closing the door behind himself, but staying just by it.

"Alright," Axeri hummed quietly, walking over to him and gently taking his hand to lead him further into the room. "Come on, sit down, and I'll get you some ice, alright?" she offered.

"That... sounds good," her boyfriend nodded, following her over to her bed and sitting down.

"I'll be right back," she promised, heading out of the room.

She quickly walked to the cafeteria and from there, to the kitchen. Unlike the infirmary, it was usually empty when it was so late, so she could take all she needed without being disturbed by anybody. She took some ice out from the freezer and grabbed a small bottle of water for Ben while she was at it, before heading back to her room. She did her best to be quick and managed to get back there in a little over 5 minutes.

"I'm back," she announced herself while walking in, immediately heading over to Ben. "What hurts you the most?" she asked once she reached her bed.

"Uh... My ankle, I guess," he admitted after a moment of hesitation. With a nod, she leaned down and put the bag of ice on it, making sure it wouldn't slide off before sitting on the bed next to him.

"There we go. Oh, and I got a drink for you," she said with a shy smile on her face. She handed him the water.

"...Thanks," he answered, taking the bottle and smiling faintly. It was a rare sight, but Axeri was surely able to see that more often than anyone else.

"You're welcome," she smiled back, carefully leaning against him.

Even though he was startled at first, her boyfriend quickly broke through the shock and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her a bit closer. She looked up at him and her eyes were quickly met with his lovely, blue ones. Even though she could stare into them forever, she still felt a bit of anxiety in the back of her mind. She still couldn't help but worry that her power would end up hurting him, and the fact that he didn't do anything for quite a moment after their gazes met didn't reassure her. Only when she noticed his smile growing more visible, she felt relieved.

"I love you," he said quietly as if he wanted to make sure no one else could hear him say that. That's how he usually said things like that, and Axeri didn't mind.

"I love you too," she answered just as quietly, still looking into his eyes.

She didn't even realize when, but slowly the two of them ended up lying on her bed, still cuddling. Not long after that, somehow they both drifted off to sleep, feeling safer in each others' arms than anywhere else in the world. They didn't even turn off the lights and Ben didn't bother to put the ice away, so it'd probably melt before morning, but they didn't seem to care about that.

When the sun rose and shined through the window much more sharply than the lamp's light would, they finally woke up. Ben was the first one to open his eyes and realize that he was lying sideways on Axeri's bed, with both of his arms wrapped around her and holding her closer. Almost immediately, he became flustered, letting go of her and moving away a bit. While he sat up, his girlfriend finally realized what must've happened and her face heated up while she sat up as well and tried to quickly fix her hair.

"So... good morning?" she said, cracking up a smile while still fighting with her hair.

"'Morning," Ben answered, relaxing slightly and absentmindedly reaching out to her, helping to brush her hair off her face. Only after a moment, he realized what he did, but before he could tense up again he noticed that she didn't seem to mind.

"Thanks. So, did you sleep well?" she asked, looking into those wonderful eyes of his again.

"Well, my hand's sore, but... yeah," he nodded, letting out a small chuckle. Hearing that delightful sound made Axeri smile brighter.

"At least you got some rest," she commented, still smiling. Ben nodded.

"Yeah... Thank you for the last night, Axeri," he answered. He had to admit, he didn't remember the last time he felt so relaxed.

"You're welcome," she answered, struggling to turn her gaze away from him. Somewhat hesitantly, she put her hand over his. "I love you so much..." she muttered softly.

"I love you too," he answered with a small nod.

Axeri couldn't help but realize how much effort he's been making. When they began their relationship, Ben was struggling with giving her too much affection, and the idea that they'd fall asleep in each others' arms and say 'I love you's so casually seemed almost absurd, but yet here they were. She wasn't even sure when did they get so close to each other, but she honestly couldn't care less. She was happy and he was happy, and that's all that mattered to them.

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