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[A/n play video]

The sun had just set in the horizon. The evening sky coloured the surroundings. The Quarry was serene and tranquil. Soft long grasses covered the cliff like a warm carpet. The stars were coming out one by one, twinkling like jewels in the shades of blue and violet. A mild misty aroma filled the oncoming evening.

Mike slowly walked up the winding path to the Quarry, his each steps curious and excited. From a distance, he spotted a silhouette of a boy standing at the edge of the cliff. Mike would have recognized that figure anywhere in the world. He rushed as his heart felt like exploding.

The boy turned towards him.

"Mike,"a voice spoke up. Oh, how Mike loved to hear this voice. It was the most perfect melody to his ears.

"Will,"the raven haired boy squealed in joy. There, in front of him, stood Will Byers. He looked like an angel, an angel who once lived in heaven but fell down to earth when his wings got broken. Such beauty that even faded away the brightest star, such innocence like the purest soul ever and such aura of peacefulness. Can God ever create anything more exquisite than this? Mike was wonderstruck.

"Happy Birthday Mike,"the taller boy's trance broke as Will spoke up. He saw that the brunette was holding out a bouquet of fresh white daisies."I'm sorry that I am unable to afford anything more than this. But I swear that I'm wishing you from the very core of my heart."

"Hey,"the raven haired boy cupped Will's face in his hands and gently caressed his cheeks."You're here. That's enough. You are the best gift I'll ever have."

Will's face gleamed with happiness. Then he slowly pulled away Mike's hand that was still resting on his cheeks and intertwined their fingers."Come with me. I've something to show you,"Will's eyes were twinkling with euphoria.

Then he broke into a run, still holding Mike's hand tightly. The taller boy stumbled to keep with the pace and nearly fell when he tripped over a stone. He shut his eyes in fear and heard Will giggle on seeing this.

When they finally stopped, Mike's eyes were still closed. But this time it was because Will had placed his palm on them. "Will, where are we?"Mike asked impatiently.

"Mikey, do you believe that the earth is itself the heaven?"the angelic voice, that Miike can never get enough of, asked.

"With you in it Will, yes I do,"the raven haired boy smiled.

The smaller boy didn't respond but gently removed his hand from their place on Mike's face. As his eyes fluttered open, Mike saw the most breathtaking view unfurled before of him. He was standing in a daisy field that seemed to stretch till the horizon. The white daisies dancing in the autumn breeze, thousands of fireflies lighted up the ambience as if the stars had itself climbed down from the night sky. And there, in front of him stood Will, his eyes so aesthetic, his face so aethereal. Will was truly glowing in his purest aura. Yes, Mike thought, this could be heaven. He could even die right now and have no regret. No, scratch that. He didn't want to die. He wanted to live, with Will by his side, until they both were so old that their teeths would fall of and they need walking sticks. Mike beamed at the thought.

"Will I'm so glad you're here again,"the raven haired boy said at last after a long time.

Will smile just widened more on hearing this.

"And I'm not gonna let you leave me, ever again."

Suddenly Will's smile and glow vanished. It was as if thick dark clouds had shadowed away the warm sunshine on his face.

"But Mike,"the brunettes voice felt so distant,"I have to go. I have to leave right now."

"RIGHT NOW?"Mike was bewildered."But Will I'm seeing you after such a long time and you are leaving?"his eyes teared up, warning to fall off in uncontrollable drops."Can't you stay?"

"No Mike. The place where I've gone to ... I can't return from there. E-Even if I want to,"Will replied.

This broke the very last barrier, hot streams of tears flowed down Mike's pale cheeks. He felt so devastated. Will's heart shattered on seeing Mike cry like that. He slowly pressed his forehead against Mike's. Then he looked deep into the taller boy's sorrow filled eyes. 

"Oh Mikey, please don't cry. Don't you realize how hard this is for me too. Its killing me from inside. But there is no other way. I-I'm so so sorry,"tears choked Will's voice as well.

Mike hastily wiped away the teardrops and cupped the smaller boy's face,"But I can't imagine my life with you gone."

"Who said you'll live without me?"

"Huh?"Mike was confused.

Will slowly placed his hand on Mike's chest just where his heart was located,"I'm here Mike. I'll live here, deep inside your heart, forever. I'll live in your memories. So keep it beating Mike."

Suddenly, Mike felt that the ground was swaying. In a heartbeat, his whole surrounding was crumbling and falling like a pack of cards. Everything was so dark.

"WILL!"Mike panic shouted,"Will where are you?"

"Keep it beating Mike,"Mike heard a very distant voice echo through the darkness,"Keep your heart beating ...... for me."

All of a sudden, Mike felt a shooting pain take all over his body ripping it apart. His head was swirling and he felt like hitting the ground. 

Then everything went black.......

"There's no end

There is no goodbye"


Wilted Daisy ( a Byler short-story )Where stories live. Discover now