Chapter 9

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William cursed at himself in his mind about accidentally including you in this situation... and for almost doing something which would have cost you your life after you had slapped him straight across the face.

He held you close to him as he heard the footsteps and sounds of foxy, the pirate fox, heading towards the repair room door, only to hear a clank of the security guard's door shut, blocking foxy from entering. His hand, though still cut, was wrapped tightly around your waist with a gentle firmness, knowing if something walked in here, he would die first so you could escape.

If his hunch was correct, you and he would be stuck here for six hours with no sleep, and he wasn't about to let you die here...

He sighed. Great...

"Y/N." He whispered as quietly as he could in your ear. "Listen, I'm going to stand, and we are going to exit through the vents. I will guide you there... do you trust me?"

He felt you hesitate for a second, and take a shaky breath, before he heard you reply, finally, in a low whisper. "Yes..."

He sighed silently, relieved, and looked away for a second before standing after you had gotten up. You moved for him, while he turned to face you, all the while regretting everything that had occurred when you came to the pizzeria and found him in the repair room. He even regretted kissing you...knowing you would be angry with him. yet he still could feel your lips, remember the shocked expression upon your beautiful face, and his heart racing beneath his chest as he had locked his lips with yours-

He shook his head, then clenched both his fists tightly, his right hand giving him slight pain.

He had almost done something to someone he would never have wanted it to happen to. He also regretted making you cry, which made his heart sink after confirming something he thought he would never have seen... and he would tell you eventually... after he figured out how.


You stood and felt William grasp your hand with gentle firmness after a minute of silence. His eyes locked with yours, and you nodded once, lowering your gaze to your feet. You felt him search your gaze, but you did not acknowledge him.

You heard him sigh, and he began walking forwards, holding your hand. Not being able to see your own feet was annoying, but you trusted William to guide you through here, even though after what he did...

He let your hand go, and you took the sign to stop and stay still.

You heard him rummage through a toolbox, and mumbling something to himself, but you only heard 'follow me' and 'cut the strings' as the rest was jumbled into nonsense.

You heard him unscrew something, and tiny screws clatter to the floor, when suddenly a loud bang echoed through the room from the locked door. You covered your mouth as you did your best to hold back a scream.

William cursed silently, and suddenly grasped your hand tightly, which hurt, but you grasped it back, shaking violently.

"Stay calm Y/N, just follow me into the vent."

He climbed in carefully, then pulled you in next to him. The vent was wide enough for two people to be next to each other, but you had to stay on your knees, your back arched forwards slightly, to fit. You ducked your head, now on your knees as William clambered to face the vent opening.

William quickly grabbed the vent opening and put it in front of you and he, just as the door flew off its hinges with another bang.

You were able to make out a pair of glowing white eyes, as Freddy Fazbear walked into the room. His eyes slowly began scanning over the room as he paused in front of the golden Bonnie suit.

Freddy, in a creepy manner, turned his head towards you both. His head tilted sideways, looking at the vent, his jaw opening slightly, revealing his animatronic teeth. His eyes flashed from white to red, as he walked towards the vent.

His paces quickened as he reached out to pull away the vent closing.

William cursed. "Y/N RUN!"

You turned and crawled as fast as you could, hearing William close behind you. You heard the crunch of metal as Freddy pulled away the vent closing. A sound, like a song, began playing as his eyes landed directly on you, then on William, who's eyes were wide with terror.

After you both were a safe distance away, hearts pounding with adrenaline on your ribs, you saw Freddy's eyes turn back to white, and walk away, back through the now door less doorway.

You breathed heavily and collapsed on your stomach, exhausted.

All the while, without your knowing, William was smiling, and whispered to himself, "I'll see you soon pal... and you'll be dead by daylight."

William Afton X Reader | ✔️| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now