Chapter 16

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You silently crept into the repair room, just as you heard a creaking noise coming from the stage. You and William had both hidden, and moved, the tables in a locked closet which only you had access to.

You sighed as you put your hand on your stomach. What if you did not successfully make it out alive? What would happen if he escaped and you did not? What if this would all go wrong and you both ended up dead-

William, or spring trap, put a gentle paw on your shoulder. You smiled weakly up at him.

He scanned your gaze, which was slightly unnerving, but you read the concern, and did not mind. But you turned away and walked silently into the repair room.

"Y/N, if you don't mind looking away, I shall dispose of my..." he cleared his throat not wanting to finish the sentence.

You nodded and turned away, rummaging through a nearby drawer with blueprints. Some had names of children written on the top, over foxy, Chica, Bonnie and Freddy.

You quickly put those away before scanning what William had done to the poor children. You heard him open his suit, and something thump to the floor, but you knew better then to turn, as your nose wrinkled at the smell.

Your stomach twisted and you gagged, putting your hand over your mouth. You closed your eyes and thought about something, anything, just to get your mind off the stench that now emanated from behind you, sending shivers down your spine.

You heard a trash can open, and a thud, before you heard his suit close and his footsteps coming over to you.

You gagged again and felt hot saliva in your throat. His hands gently guided you over to the door and he opened it slightly just so you could breathe fresh air.

You gasped and sighed in relief. Your stomach did not really like this at all. You heard William rummage for something and heard the slightest sound of an air freshener being sprayed behind you.

You giggled to yourself slightly. After he was done, the room smelled of cinnamon, and you looked at him, silently shutting the door behind you locking it.

"Cinnamon, really?" he said laughing in your mind.

He made a stiff looking face. "You know it helps me control my temper Y/N." he chuckled a little.

You rolled your eyes. "Come on, we need to get you some new wires and fur."

He did not complain as you lead him over to the operating table. He lay down, a bit clumsily, and straightened out before you.

He had shown you where the fur was, and how to use it on suits, for it was you, who had designed the suit.

You always wanted spring Bonnie. He was always the one coming out in your dreams...who knew it would become a reality.

You smiled as you remembered the day you told William about spring bonnie, and how his face looking back at you, had looked absurd.

"Really Y/N?" said the twelve-year-old William looking at the eleven-year-old you. "You really want a bunny suit?"

You had nodded and giggled, brushing your hair gently out of your eyes. "Yes!" You clasped your hands together. "Maybe one day, it would become reality!"

He chuckled and rolled his eyes. "As if dreams could become reality." He said rolling his eyes.

You had grabbed his shirt sleeve and shook it. "Come-on William, pleeeeeeease!?"

He gently yanked his shirt sleeve out of your grasp and turned away. "That is what my father used to say Y/N... before he got run over by that truck, saving your own measly life- "

William Afton X Reader | ✔️| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now