Chapter 12

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Last night was like a dream he had always had almost everyday since Gulf came to his life. Mew had never, ever thought that the other guy would share the same feelings with him. Even Gulf confessing to him had never crossed his mind.

But it happened. Not only the sweet confession, he also got to taste of Gulf's body after that. Yup, the way Gulf told him that he liked him was sweet and cute and anything good in this world. He said 'love' and followed by cursing and bad words from him. But it was sweet, that was very 'Gulf' to Mew. It felt original that Mew could totally tell that it all was coming from the bottom of his heart.

Waking up to the view of Gulf creasing the area between his brows while his chestnut lips were pouty in his slumber had rendered Mew to feel a mixed feelings.

He felt a little bit sorry for hurting Gulf with the rough sex they had last night, even though he had tried to be as gentle as he could but Gulf  kept seducing him to do more and lose self-restraint. Along with the guilt, he also felt content, full, and... happy.

He had never been so happy waking up next to his best guy, knowing that the other guy returned his feelings. Mew felt connected, no matter how vague the thread between them, as long as Gulf's heart was beating for him as his was for the other guy, Mew could feel it by heart that they were meant for each other.

It had been more than 15 minutes since he woke up and stared deeply and lovingly at his sweetheart. Mew could never get enough of the sight. He could wake up to this view forever and he would not trade it for anything greater.

It was the first monday since he skipped the monday morning classes to go on a date with his ex boyfriend. And now... now he got a new lover sleeping next to him, the boy of his dream, the one he had been trying to move on from, however terribly failed and fell deeper for him instead.

Maybe if Gulf didn't say anything at all last night, and Mew didn't force the other guy to say it, Gulf and him would be in their own respective room right now, thinking what went wrong between them as their friendship turned cold.

He was thankful that Gulf confessed to him so his stupid ass could get what had made his best friend's eyes turned swollen and red.

Mew admitted he was such a coward when it came to the terms of confession. He never thought he would convey his feelings to the other guy. Since he never thought Gulf would like him ever, and confessing would definitely the best way to make Gulf run away from him.

But Gulf bravely said it out loud and clear for them both to hear and realize that they were in love.

Mew was keen to touch the other guy before him, smooched him and embraced him tenderly just to ensure himself that the event last night was real. However, he didn't want to wake him up since they were making love until late at night. Mew wanted Gulf to rest more.

The dark skinned boy was lying on his stomach, having his face facing Mew. He looked very delicate in his sleep, making Mew's heart swelled with so much feelings he had for the other guy.

Since he realized that he loved Gulf, his love hadn't stopped growing for that boy.

As if he knew that he was being the center of Mew's attention right now, Gulf slowly fluttered his eyes opened. He tried not to show he was in pain, but he failed because Mew had placed his hand on his cheek.

"Does it hurt?" Mew's barritone voice in the morning rendered Gulf's heart to flip a thousand times.

The tanned guy shyly nodded. He realized his ass was in so much pain because of his own doing. He had pushed the buttons a little too far that Mew even got a hard time to make himself stop.

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