Public| Kim Jinhwan

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By: kpopmalereader

summary: you’re not very expressive and don’t like skinship when other people are around, you only realize occasionally that jinhwan actually finds it frustrating • pairing: kim jinhwan x male!reader • word count: 866 • to do

Jinhwan smiles at you when you walk down the hallway, your hair a mess and your shirt skewed to the side. You sit down next to him and rub your eyes, grabbing a plate. Jinhwan leans over to you, trying to kiss you, but you turn your head, so he only just pecks your cheek. You load food onto your plate and loosely wrap your pinky with his underneath the table. Jinhwan bites his lip and shakes a few thoughts out of his head, holding your hand tighter.

“Are you two doing anything today?” Bobby stuffs some food in his mouth and grimaces as he swallows it too soon.

You look up at Jinhwan and shrug. “He wanted to go shopping today. It’s up to him if he wants other people with us or not.”

Jinhwan shakes his head. “Sorry, Bobby.”

“Nah, it’s chill.” Bobby shrugs. “If you find a pair of shoes in my size that you think I would like, that would be great.”

“Unlikely,” You hum and start to eat, looking up at Jinhwan.

Jinhwan nods and tilts his head towards you. “No, I plan on spending all of my money on him.”

Bobby sighs and stands. “Alright, you two have fun I guess.”

You and Jinhwan eat for a bit until you stand and retreat back to his room, pulling your shirt off. Jinhwan closes the door and wraps his arms around your waist from behind. You lean your head back and smile at him.

“Were you serious about spending all of your money on me?”

“Absolutely,” Jinhwan kisses your cheek and walks over the closet, pulling out a few things. “Anything for my wonderful boyfriend.”

You smile and sit down on the bed, reaching your arms out for him. “You’re the best, babe.”

He smiles and walks over to you, standing between your legs. “I know.”

It’s quiet for a moment, both of you just staring at each other until he cups one of your cheeks. He bites his lip and watches you closely.

“What’s on your mind?”

“Why do you act like this when we’re alone, but you don’t even want to hold my hand when we’re around anyone else?”

You bite your lip and look down, letting your hands go around his waist. “I just don’t get why I should do it in front of other people. You know I love you, other people don’t need to know.”

Jinhwan turns around and grabs a shirt out of the closet. “Do I?”

“What? What is that supposed to mean?” You tilt your head and stare at his back. “You know I love you, Jinhwan.”

“You never show it.” He shakes his head and pulls the shirt over his head. “I’ve even had the guys ask if we’re doing okay because you hardly even act like my boyfriend around them.”

You scoff and stand up. “So instead of me just showing you I love you every day in private, I have to do something I’m not comfortable with in front of the others? That’s how you’re basing my love for you? From what other people think?”

“You act all lovey and smitten with me, but you can’t even hold my hand or kiss me on the cheek in front of anybody else?”

“I’m not comfortable with that Jinhwan!” You pull your shirt back on and grab your phone. “I’m going for a walk, I don’t want to do this right now.”

“Don’t run away!”

“I’m not running away! I’m leaving because I don’t feel like arguing with my boyfriend over me doing something I don’t like doing!” You breathe heavily and pull on your hair. “I’m not comfortable with showing skinship in front of anyone besides us, okay? Do you know how upset it makes me when you just shove it in my face that I can’t? I try, alright? I hold your hand underneath tables and I make sure you can feel my arm against yours when you start to get nervous or freak out. I’m sorry that you don’t realize that I’m pushing myself every day just to do those things in the hopes that I can avoid this exact conversation!”

Jinhwan’s mouth slowly falls open and he steps closer to you. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I really am. I should’ve known.”

“I start getting nervous every time I try to do anything for you in public, Jinhwan. Me even ordering food for you or calling you babe, it’s so difficult for me and I don’t know why and I’m sorry that I can’t show you how much you mean to me-”

Jinhwan almost jumps up on to you and hugs you tightly, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. “I’m sorry, I should’ve asked before jumping to conclusions. I love you so much.”

You nod and slowly wrap your arms around his waist. “I know, I just-”

“No, don’t say anything else or apologize, just hug me and let me kiss you for a bit and apologize a lot.” Jinhwan buries his face into your neck and grips your shoulders. “Let’s just stay at home for a while, okay? So, I can continue to make this up to you.”

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