Got7 Maknae line

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By: joonsvanilla

- ', [got7 maknae line when they have their first crush on a male] ', -

꒰ y o u n g j a e ꒱

when youngjae has his first crush on a guy, he’d be very... distant as he tried to sort through his feelings. he wanted to be sure he did have a crush on you before voicing it, and that included avoiding you for a bit.

he found himself thinking of you at all hours of the day, wondering if you’d had your meal, how you’d slept, etc. you took over his mind daily, and it was only as he watched you interact with his friends that the words ‘i love you.’ came into his mind.

he’d be taken aback a bit with his own thoughts, and that’s when he’d get distant. while he was isolated from all things that involved you, he had time to sort himself out. he finally came to the conclusion that he did, in fact, have a gigantic crush on you that brought the blood rushing to his face.

you’re surprised to see youngjae at your door at 4 in the morning. he leads his sentence with. “i love you.” and gets a bit scared when you don’t respond. “i love you too, youngjae?” you already knew this, so why was he voicing it at 4 in the morning? “no, y/n, i love you.” he says, tears springing to his eyes. “okay, jae, come in and we can talk. please don’t cry.” you tell him, opening your door wider so he could step in.

his hands were shaky as you sat him down in a chair at your kitchen island. “i’ve been so distant because i’ve been trying to figure out everything but, now i’m sure i love you...” he says, voice cracking.

you pull him into a hug, and kiss his forehead. “i love you too, youngjae.”

꒰ b a m b a m ꒱

bambam would do the opposite of youngjae. he’d only get closer to you, being overly clingy and always attached to you.

he’d never leave you alone, always calling you and never shutting up about you to the members.

you clouded his mind 24/7, and he didn’t mind it at all. he wouldn’t really know why he did all those things until he saw someone flirting with you, and he got extremely jealous.

you wouldn’t even know it until he’s pulling you away from the situation to a quiet area. “y/n we need to talk.” he’d say, and you’d never seen him as serious as he was then. “uh, fuck- i don’t really know how to say this-“ he’d be full of nervous laughs.

“fuck it. i love you. and not just as friends.” he’d just blurt it out. he’d think you were rejecting him until he saw the smile on your face. “i love you too, bambi.” you murmured. he smiled as well. “good, now can we please go tell that asshole that you’re taken now?”

꒰ y u g y e o m ꒱

he wouldn’t know how to make sense of his feelings. he’d be really confused and wouldn’t really know what do to.

he’d probably ask his hyungs for help on what to do, most likely going to ask jinyoung, jaebeom or bambam.

“hyung what do i do? he occupies my mind constantly, what does this mean?” he’d ask, really confused and a but pouty.

they’d give him good and serious advice. something along the lines of “have you ever felt that way for anyone else? you might like him as more than friends, yugyeom.”

and it’ll all click in his mind once he thinks about their words. everything would make sense. that’s why he was always thinking about you. that’s why he’d became so attached to you in a matter of weeks.

he would pull you aside and away from all the rest of the boys and say he had to tell you something important.

“hi, y/n... uh, i have something to tell you, and um, i don’t know how you’ll take it...” he’d be so red in the face, pacing around as you were confused.

“yugyeom, calm down, okay? just tell me. i promise i won’t get mad, gyeomie.” you’d murmur quietly. he gets even more red if that’s possible.

“okay, whoo, um-“ he breathes deeply. “i like you. and i understand that you don’t like me back, but i had to get this off my chest. you’re on my mind so much, and i’m thinking of you like everyday. you’re so amazing and wonderful, and you make my heartbeat faster than normal. and you’re genuinely just an awesome person. i’m sorry if i’m wasting your time, this was dumb.”

he didn’t know he was crying until he saw your concerned face. he’s about to leave the room, but is stopped by you tugging on his arm. “yugyeom.” your words calm him down a bit, but he’s still really red, and the tears don’t stop falling. “yes?” he asked, voice cracking. “i like you too. you’re the cutest, and i’m glad you’ve told me. you’ll never waste my time. you’re amazing as well, and i’d be happy to be with you.” you murmur to him softly, wiping his tears.

“really?” he asks, voice small. “of course.” you smile. “i guess we should go out there and explain so they don’t think we’re doing otherthings.” he mutters. “though that would be a good way to use time-“ you begin to say, but he cuts you off with a hit on your shoulder and a smile. “i am so glad we’re together now.”

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