Lights, camera, action| Min Yoongi

504 6 1

By: cinnaminyoons

"i don't want to."

"why not? you're literally perfect for each other!"

yoongi spins around to face him. "hoseok, i'm the type of guy to accidentally text 'send dunes'. yn's the type of guy to fly to the sahara desert, pose and-slash-or strip or both, and then send me those pictures." he adjusts his headphones when they slip too far to one side.

yoongi wears a pair of headphones around his neck all the time, like a collar, and nobody's ever seen him take it off. some people think it's surgically attached to him, and really, they aren't too far off—he's gotten so used to their presence that sometimes, he forgets to take them off to sleep.

after a pause of hoseok looking at him strangely, hoseok says, "that is oddly specific."

"don't ask," yoongi mutters and sets off, walking down the now empty hallway with his bag lazily slung over one shoulder. "what i'm saying is that we aren't compatible."

"okay." hair bouncing with each step, hoseok rushes to catch up to him—for yoongi's size, he walks fast. "you know, just because he's a theatre nerd doesn't mean he's dramatic all the time."

"he once had a fashion-off with taehyung."

"a what?"

yoongi shrugs. "dunno, taehyung told me that they had this competition on who could wear the worst hipster outfit. apparently, he showed up in a donald duck jacket with matching donald duck socks."

"oh yeah, that was such a power move," says taehyung, suddenly at their side.

yoongi and hoseok startle. "fuck, i thought you went home already," says yoongi.

"nah, teacher held me back. apparently, my hair is 'against the school rules'," taehyung mocks in a high voice, using air quotations to make his point. he touches his recently-dyed hair and pouts. "he said it was 'too extreme'—like what? it's blond, not bright green."

"we'll be graduating this year," says hoseok helpfully, "so you only have to survive until then to be free to do whatever you want with your hair."

taehyung visibly perks up at that. he sighs, "finally! i've been ready since i was, like, fourteen." he grabs the straps of his backpack as they near the front of the school. he starts, "you know, yoongi-hyung, i saw something today. want to know what it was?"

"something," yoongi says. "get to it, then."

taehyung huffs. "fine, you're no fun. okay, so you know that hot new transfer?"

"you mean yukhei?" hoseok butts in with a grin. "he's a cool guy."

taehyung nods. "that's him. anyway, so i needed to go check my appearance in the bathrooms during lunch, and who did i see in an empty classroom?" he pauses for dramatic effect.

yoongi elbows him when he drags it out too long. "ouch—okay, geez. so yn and yukhei were in there, i couldn't hear what they were saying 'cause the door was closed but i'm pretty sure yukhei was confessing." taehyung's almost vibrating with excitement—he's the unofficial match-maker, cupid, dating-adviser, whatever you want to call him, of the school, and the prospect of a new couple never fails to thrill him.

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