Snowfall| Park Jimin

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By: cinnaminyoons

it's one of those blistering winter nights when the wind howls relentlessly and the streets are covered in a thick blanket of white. neither jimin nor you had checked the weather forecast and as a result, the car parked outside the rented log cabin is buried in snow. it'll be near impossible to drive, even if the high winds calm down and the snow stops.

jimin wakes in the middle of the night, rubbing the sleep from his hazy eyes with the backs of his hands, and sits up in bed. he regrets it immediately and almost yelps at the biting cold of the room, diving back under the covers.

at the sudden movement, you crack open your eyes and squint into the darkness at the blob next to you. "something wrong?" you mumble, voice deeper than usual.

"'m freezing," jimin says, clenching his jaw to stop his teeth from chattering. he shouldn't have worn such little clothing to bed.

"didn't we turn on the heaters in this place?" you're still half asleep and your brain is working slower than usual. the cold slows it even more.

"we did." jimin sighs—he's wide awake now. he peels back the covers and hisses at the cold, and when his feet touch the wooden floor, his knees shoot up to his chest.

brave the cold, jimin, he thinks, it's big boy time.

hesitantly, he puts one foot on the floorboards. he instantly shakes his head and pulls his foot back. "no, nope," he mutters, "not a big boy."

he twists around to face you, and you've propped yourself up on an elbow. "babe, can you go check the heater?"

you nod but sigh dramatically and make a show of getting up and out of bed. you're wearing socks—what a heathen—and you shuffle over to the door. you flick the light switch but nothing turns on. "power's blown out," you report, more awake and with goosebumps on your arms.

jimin's imagination is running wild at the moment and he shakes his head to get rid of any impure thoughts. "i'll come along," he says reluctantly, not moving an inch.

you sigh and walk over to him, crouching at the side of the bed with your back to him. "get on, i'm not staying out of bed longer than i have to."

jimin scoots over and wraps his limbs around your neck and waist. his cheeks are a lot warmer than the rest of his body, and he's thankful that you can't see his face.

you place your hands under his thighs and stand up, easily supporting his weight. out in the hall, the cold slaps you and you make a face. "ugh. i'm gonna get a fire started, alright?"

jimin nods against your shoulder. he's still blushing. "can we get some hot cocoa? i'm not going to be able to sleep anytime soon."

you agree, heading to the fireplace and gently setting jimin down on the couch in front of it. he huffs a little as he lands.

thankfully, the wood is piled neatly next to the stacked stone wall tiles, which extends to the ceiling and has a tv mounted to it.

jimin watches quietly as you lay down some kindling, rip a newspaper into long strips, and strategically lay the wood over it all. when you're satisfied, you light a match and throw it into the mix.

you walk over to jimin and kneel before him. he gets onto your back and giggles a little. "d'you know if there're blankets in here?" he asks.

you shrug as best you can with jimin clinging onto you. you weave around the furniture and enter the quaint kitchen. "i think so, i'm pretty sure they're in the hallway. do you want to go get them?"

he shakes his head vigorously.

"fine, you lazy butt," you insult good-naturedly, and jimin rolls his eyes with no hostility at your childish retort. "leave everything to me, i suppose."

"i guess i could hold onto them for you," jimin drawls, a joking tone in his words.

"a kind mercy."

it's quiet as you, once again, set jimin down—only this time, he sits on the counter with his legs dangling over the edge. he studies you as you make two mugs of cocoa.

you decide to go get the blankets by yourself, not wanting to trouble jimin. the cup warms jimin's hands and tendrils of steam rise off the surface of the cocoa, swirling upwards in the air until they dissipate. he takes a tiny sip and he hums appreciatively. "it's good."

"you sound surprised," you joke as you return to the kitchen, having found one large blanket in a cupboard and tossed it on the couch. you take your own mug and cup it in your hands. "am i really that bad of a cook?"

"no, no," jimin says hurriedly, "it's just..."

"a surprise?"


the two of you laugh. he reaches one arm out at you like a baby wanting to be picked up.

"no. you might drop that cup on me," you say. "come on, before the fire goes out."

jimin whines and pouts but you stay firm in your beliefs until he gives up and hops off the counter himself. his face scrunches at the cold, but he follows you obediently.

as soon as you sit down and set the blanket up, he snuggles into your side and tugs your arm around his shoulders. the fluffy blanket falls over him. 

"this is nice," he sighs contentedly, resting his head on your shoulder.

you look at him calmly sipping his cocoa. the fire bathes his features in warm golden-orange light and flickers gently, the shadows morphing longer and shorter every so often.

he looks so angelic.

it is nice, you think, gazing down at him.

the heat of the cocoa makes the cold in your body fade away, and you feel pleasantly cosy with Jimin at your side and a blanket wrapped around the two of you.

you want to stay in this moment forever—and perhaps you will, once you present him with the little velvet box.

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