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Jeongukk is used to waking up on Sundays to the comfort of his bed, the sun being up to greet him immediately. Even it's for only one out of the two days, he thinks it's nice. In addition to that, he attends a private school. They aren't allowed to hold any school events on that day, and luckily for Jeongukk, that includes practices.

So instead of waking up on his own will to the sound of some birds chirping—or whatever—he wakes up to the sound of yelling. You can guess he's not too happy about it.

When he walks out to the kitchen he can see the faint sliver of light peeking through the front door. The screen door is closed however, and he opens it quickly.

His eyes adjust to the brightness of the outside of the house. Hoseoks standing there in front of a few guys, they all look like they're about to pounce on him. It doesn't take Jeongukk too long to understand what's happening.

When Hoseok hears the door close he widens his eyes, pointing back at the house. "Jeongukk, go back inside." He says it sternly, unlike his usually cheerful demeanor.

But as usual, Jeongukk doesn't listen. At least not to demands like that. Not when his brother looks like he's in some sort of situation. He knows Hoseoks trying to protect him, but he had to protect him too. He is pretty much all the family he has anyway.

Three of the guys laugh and Jeongukk has to squint his eyes to see them, now not only because of the sunlight, but because of the lack of contact lenses on his eyes right now. He tries his best though, and moves closer.

"Jeongukk, f—" Hoseok silently curses under his breath, moving towards the other to push him back inside. Jeongukk doesn't move however, only pushing his arms off and walking past him, back to the others.

They mockingly make 'ooo' sounds and cheer, while it only makes Jeongukk angrier.

"What the hell do you guys want?" He questions. He recognizes them now—well at least some.

"Chill, Jeon." The brunette laughs, putting an emphasis on Jeon to mock him. His reasoning for it can't be harmless and Jeongukk has to restrain himself from doing something stupid.

"What are you still doing here anyway? Aren't you going to that fucking rich kid school. You're way too good to be here? Aren't you?" He teases Jeongukk in a way that he can't respond too. What is he supposed to say, that he's offended? No one gave two shits if you were offended.

"Look, I already asked." he tries to reason with them without getting too crazy. He doesn't know what's going to happen but he does know that there's way to be able to take all of them. Not even he and Hoseok could probably take all of them.

"Me too." The boy says. Jeongukk knows him as Han-bin. You could say that they were some version of friends in the past, but everyone in this area kind of knew each other, whether if it was from playing with each other as kids or seeing them every now and then at the store.

He sighs, but his face shows no physical emotion. It's something he's learned to do since he was young, but now it's more of an action made subconsciously.

"I still live here, it's not like I can afford to dorm there." He responds, attempting to keep his volume down since it's a bit of a touchy subject for Hoseok.

"Okay." Han bin nods, his hands coming out of his pockets.

"Okay." Jeongukk repeats it in the same tone he used. "what do you guys want?"

Han bin furrows his eyebrows, "What happened to you, Jeongukk?"

"I'm just trying to keep a conversation and you're acting like I'm some sort of criminal."

Well, he technically wouldn't be wrong considering Han-bin has received several criminal offenses and the last time he checked he had at least one restraining order filed against him.

"So you're telling me you only came here to talk?" Jeongukk asked, internally thanking God for causing him to stain his iron man pajamas last night. If he had been wearing that this encounter would have probably been ten times worse.

"Mm, pretty much." He smiled, pocketing his own hands. Jeongukk furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, but waited for him to continue.

"Oh wait!" He snapped his fingers, taking out his phone. "I have to show you something."

He waited as Han-bin began to search through it, all before holding the device in front of Jeongukks eyes. They struggled to adjust to the light for a few moments, before he was widening them in shock.

"You're life seems pretty perfect right now, hm." He announces, putting his phone away momentarily. "Guess we might have to change that."


I feel bad for jk, I keep making his life worse. 😂 Sorry for not posting in ten years, I've been working on my other stories as well.


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