Part 6

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  • Dedicated to missdarian from Fizzy Family for reading my story :)

Here is the next part. I finished writing the story now all I have to do is type. I also started my next story. It's going to be a romance between Layla and Zane and how they met.


I walked inside to see my mom with her apron on and covered in flour. She was attempting to cook again. Tonight may be a disaster. She smiled. “Hey honey! How was school? Is Joey still coming to dinner tonight?” She asked.

            “It was okay and yes he is. Are you cooking?” I asked. I tried to keep a straight face, but I was failing miserably.

            “Yes I am.” She said proudly waving the whisk around. “It’s going to be amazing!” She sang.

            “Oh no the world is ending.” I said sarcastically. We always joked about her cooking. It was one way we bonded. I went upstairs and put my bag by my desk. I went into the bathroom and fixed my hair and make-up. I wanted to at least look descent.

            Then the doorbell rang. I jumped and ran downstairs to see my mom already answered the door. He stood there with the clothes he wore to school and he had a plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies.

            “I brought food.” He said innocently. I couldn’t help but laugh. He was such a dork sometimes, but he was my dork.

            “Is it good food?” I asked, looking at the cookies suspiciously. I laughed.

            “Yes, wait maybe. I don’t know I just made them and put them on this plate. I didn’t eat any, surprisingly.” He said and he laughed. He put his plate of suspicious cookies on the table.

            “Well it’s nice to see you again Joey.” My mom said wiping her hands. She shook his hand, and then we sat down.

            “What poison did you cook tonight?” I asked her laughing.

            “Spaghetti, it’s my specialty.” She said trying to use an Italian accent. She failed miserably at it too. She handed us plates full of spaghetti.

            I took a bite of it and pretended to die of poisoning. “Oh no you killed her!” Joey said joining in on the joke. He laughed as I got up and took another bite.

            “I’m back from the dead!” I said trying to sound ghost like. I got my accent skill from my mom that means I don’t have any skill at all.

            “So Joey what do you like about my daughter?” My mom asked laughing. Of course she had to get involved in my love life. This is the first guy I had ever brought home. She had to embarrass me.

            “Well what is there not to like? She’s beautiful, intelligent, funny, and just plain amazing. I have no clue how I even got the privilege to date her.” He said. The look on his face told me he was completely serious about what he said.

            I blushed and took a few more bites of my spaghetti. I tried to avoid eye contact for a while. He was so nice and sweet.

            “Hey Maya, I think this one’s a keeper.” She said whispering loudly. I knew Joey heard it, because he laughed and turned bright red.

            “I think so too.” I said smiling. I really did want to have him in my life for a long time.

            We finished eating and it was on to games. We started with a simple game of Go Fish. My mom left the room to grab some more games. It was just me and Joey in the room.

            “Maya do you have any two’s?” Joey asked me.

            “Nope, go fish.” I said trying to keep a straight face. Then I smile spread across my face.

            “You’re lying.” He accused. He tried to look at my cards and I pulled them closer to my body to keep them out of his sight.

            “No I’m not lying.” I said still smiling. I really need to take acting lessons soon.

            “Then show me your cards.” He said accusingly. I tried to sneak another look at my card. I yanked them out of his view again.

            “No, that’s cheating. If you see my cards then” “I will see that you are cheating.” He interrupted.  I tried not to laugh, but it was hard.

            Then he slowly started to get closer to me. “Don’t you trust me?” I asked.

            “You tell me?” He said. He continued to move closer. Then he kissed me. When he pulled away I saw I dropped my cards on the ground. He grabbed my three two’s and waved them in my face and said, “Ha! I knew you had two’s!”

            “You cheated, you looked at my cards!” I yelled at him trying at act mad, which once again I was failing at.

            “You cheated first!” He yelled back. Suddenly my mom walked in, she was in her pajamas.

            “I’m going to bed. I’m tired now. Good night kids.” She said and she walked to her room and closed the door behind her.

            “Night mom!” I yelled after she closed her door.

             “Good night Mrs. Jones!”  Joey yelled. We looked at each other and laughed.

            “Do you want to watch a movie?” I asked. I knew we were not going to finish our game of Go Fish.

            “Sure.” He replied. He helped me clean up the cards and put them away. Then we pulled out the bed that was attached to the couch. We turned on a movie that was playing on T.V and cuddled up together. I felt myself getting tired and soon the movie was over.

            “I should probably get home now.” He said moving a little.

            “Can’t you stay a little longer? After all you’re my pillow.” I said smiling.

            He relaxed and returned to his original position. “Maybe one more hour wouldn’t hurt.” I felt my eyes grow heavier and I drifted to sleep.


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