Part 10

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I am almost done! I am actually going to publish a whole story! :) Well thanks for reading! Hope you like this next part. This is still in Joeys point of view.


“I’m glad you came, Joey.” Mrs. Jones said. She got up and gave me a hug. She put her head on my shoulder and started to weep. When she let go she sat back down, and motioned for me to sit in the chair next to her.

“What’s wrong with her?” I asked. I knew it wasn’t good, but I needed to know.

“When she crashed the air bags failed to go off. She seemed to have cut her head on broken glass from the window. She hit her head along with the insane blood-loss she is in a coma. She needs to wake up within a month or they need permission to pull the plug. She also has a bruised rib from the impact of the car.” She said trying to stay calm.

“It’s all my fault if she doesn’t wake up. She was going to my house, because I got in trouble. I got kicked out and she was coming to help me pack. I worried her, and I broke up with her. I felt like I was a horrible asset in her life. I knew that she was depressed before, but I didn’t want to make it worse.” I said. “I’m sorry Mrs. Jones it’s entirely my fault.”

“Joey do not blame yourself. You know you were trying to do what was best for her. I could blame myself for just letting her go. I know my daughter and I know that she would not like it if people blamed themselves for one accident. She hates causing problems and pain. When she wakes up you will see that this is not your fault or anyone else. I was only bad luck, and bad timing.”

When she finished Zane and Layla walked in. When Layla looked over at Maya the look of terror spread across her face. She turned and hugged Zane as she cried. Zane stood there as though he was frozen.

“Joey can you leave the room for a second while I talk to Zane and Layla.” Mrs. Jones said. I met eyes with her and nodded. I got up from my chair and headed towards the door. I took one last look at Maya and walked out of the room.

I was back in the hall of depression, but it wasn’t so different than the room. I saw the little girl again. She was on a bench, and now she was hugging her knees. Her head was on her knees and she was crying. Her stuffed dog was on the ground. I walked over to her and grabbed it off the ground. I tapped her shoulder and she looked up at me with her brown eyes.

“I believe this is yours.” I said handing it to her. She brushed her red hair out of her face and wiped the tears away. She took it out of my hands and hugged it.

“Thank you. What do I do now? I lost my daddy, and my mommy won’t love me like he did. She just sits in her room and pretends that I don’t exist. I tried to talk to her, but she ignores me.” She said looking at me with her puppy dog eyes. They were filling with tears, and all I could think of was James.

“Don’t you have an older sibling?” I asked her. It would be nice to know that there was another person like me out there. She was so much like James, but she just lost her dad. It would be like losing my mom.

“No I wish I did. Maybe he or she would be as nice as you. My mommy said that she never wanted children. The only reason I was here was because of daddy. She claims I am a part of him, but she never says I am a part of her.” She said looking down at the toy. She was so cute, and innocent. I have no idea how someone could hate her.

“How about I be your big brother, but I don’t live with you.” I said. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down my number and handed it to her. “Call me when you need help. I have a little brother I always take care of. My parents rarely pay attention to us. His name is James, and my name is Joey.”

“Thanks Joey. My name is Autumn.” She said and she stuck her hand out towards me. I took it in my hand and shook it.

All of a sudden, Layla opened the door and peeked out. She looked at me and signaled me that I can come back into the room. I looked at Autumn and smiled. “Well it looks like I have to go.”

“Okay Joey. Thank you again for everything.” She said as a tear fell from her face and she got up and gave me a hug.


What do you think of Autumn? Well thanks for reading. The next part is coming out soon! :)

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