Part 4

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Here is part 4. Hope you enjoy it.


I wiped my eyes real quick and answered it. I made my voice sound like I wasn’t even crying.

            “Hey mom.” I said.

            “You’re late!” She yelled into the phone. I could tell she wasn’t joking by the stern tone in her voice. A couple times she tried to mess with me.

            “What time is it?” I asked I knew my curfew tonight was 10:30 but it only felt like it was 9.

            “It’s 11 right now. Get home now please!” She was furious. She was always strict about curfews. Ever since my dad died she had to make sure she knew where I was so she didn’t lose me too. I couldn’t blame her, and I never questioned her or complained about it.

            “I’m on my way home now. I’m sorry I lost track of time. Love you, bye.” I hung up the phone, and turned to Joey.

            “I’m sorry I need to get home. It’s already 11 and I needed to be home at 10:30.”I said as I started folding a blanket.

            “It’s fine, let’s go.” He said. He grabbed everything and put it behind his seat in the truck. Then he walked me over to the passenger side of the truck and opened the door for me to get in. When I got in he kissed me softly on the cheek and closed the door. The whole ride home was quite. I just looked out the window at the one star. I got lost in thought that I didn’t realize I was home.

            He opened my door for me to get out and walked me up to the door. He kissed me before walking me inside. When I walked inside the first thing I saw was my mom. Her arms were on her hips and she had a frown across her face. I could tell it would be hard to sweet talk myself out of this one.

            “Hey mom, I’m home.”I said trying to sound innocent, but it wasn’t working. I looked down at me feet. I almost forgot Joey was still here until he tried to help bail me out.

            “I’m sorry I brought her home late. It was completely my fault. I lost track of time, and I should’ve been more responsible with taking care of your daughter. Please don’t punish her for something that was my fault.” He begged. I couldn’t believe he was taking the blame for my irresponsibility. I knew he wanted to protect me, but I felt bad because it was all my fault.

            “Thank you Joey for helping her out. Just for that I will not take away her phone, but she has to do extra chores.” She said. He did help me out a lot, but I was glad I still got part of the blame.

            “Well I better head home. Have a nice night Mrs. Jones.” He paused and looked at me. “Good night Maya. I had a nice night with you.” He smiled at me. His smile was perfect. It made the butterflies in the pit of my stomach go crazy.

            “I had a nice time too Joey. Good night, see you tomorrow.” I smiled, and blushed slightly.

            After he left I went upstairs to my room. I saw the flowers and chocolate he gave me. I walked downstairs to get a vase for the flowers. I put the flowers into the vase filled half way full with water. Then I place it on my desk in my room. I put the chocolates next to them. I realized today was one of the first days I didn’t wear a fake smile. I was truly happy today.

            I got into my pajamas, which included an oversized t-shirt and fuzzy pajama pants. I laid down on my bed pulling my covers over me. I fell asleep thinking of him.

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