Part 5

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  • Dedicated to My friend Paige who just lost her aunt

Sorry it's short. I've been busy with band. Well it's the weekend so no more excuses. Here's pat 5! :)


. I was so glad lunch was next considering I skipped breakfast. I walked down the halls. I ran into Joey on the way to the cafeteria.

            “Hey there beautiful, where are you going in such a hurry?”  He asked giving me a hug. I didn’t even realize I was rushing until he pointed it out.

            “I may have skipped breakfast.” I said trying to sound innocent. I knew he wouldn’t like the fact of me skipping a meal.

            “Then let’s go get some food for your tummy.” He said laughing. We ran towards the cafeteria. We were pretty much racing. When I got to the usual lunch table I sat next to Layla. She handed me my lunch bag, and I opened it up. I had a turkey and cheese sandwich. Along with some grapes, and potato chips.

            I unwrapped the bag that contained the sandwich and took a bite. It was delicious. I looked over at Layla who had a smile across her face.

            “Nice to see you too, I can tell you were hungry.” She said laughing at my face full of sandwich. I tried not to laugh, because I would spit my sandwich all over the table.

            I swallowed and said, “Sorry, I skipped breakfast, after all someone kept me up all night.” I gestured to Joey. I laughed and softly punched him on the shoulder.

            “Come on you enjoyed yourself, don’t deny it.” He said laughing.

            “That’s true, but you did keep me up.” I said and I stuck my tongue out at him. I ate my grapes and the rest if my sandwich.

            “So how did you meet Zane?” Joey asked Layla. This story was a good one. I was of course involved in their little love story.

            “Well Zane and Maya were neighbors once upon a time. They met in preschool. They were best friends, and in first grade I met Maya. This last year I met Zane at her birthday party and she set us up.” She said happily.

            I was so happy to be the one to set them up. They were perfect for each other. He liked her for her and unlike her ex boyfriend Alex. He tried to use her to make his ex jealous. Luckily Alyssa interfered before he can totally abuse her. He planned on taking her to a party his ex was at, and ditching her when he won her back.

            Alyssa became jealous that Layla got the guy she was been targeting. He was one of the only guys she hasn’t dated. So Alex took Alyssa to the party, and well she got ditched. She was embarrassed, but she brought in upon herself.

            I finished up my lunch and threw my bag away. I walked back to the table to get Layla so we can walk to our next class together. She got up and hugged Zane, and I hugged Joey.

            We headed to class, and the rest of the day was boring. I fell asleep in about three other classes. Finally the last bell rang signaling that the weekend was finally here. I went to my locker and grabbed my bag, and headed towards the parking lot. Before I left the school I felt someone hug me from behind. I let out a small squeal, because he caught me when I wasn’t expecting it. I turned around to see Joey smiling.

            “You scared me!” I yelled at him. I punched his arm like I normally did when I joked with him.

            “I know I did.” He said laughing. I could tell he enjoyed my scream.

            “Jerk!” I said pushing him. I was laughing. It was hard to act serious around him and his adorable smile.

            “You still like this jerk anyways, after all he is attractive and giving you a ride home.” He said holding up his car keys. I almost forgot he drove me to school this morning.  We walked out to the car and he opened the door for me like he always did. I got in and put my bag on the floor by my feet. I took out my phone and checked to see if I had any new messages. Sadly, I had no new messages. I put my phone back in my pocket and Joey started the car.

            We drove home blasting the radio and singing really loud and obnoxiously. It didn’t sound to pretty, but it was fun. When I got home he opened the door for me and I jumped out of his truck.

            “What time should I be over for family game night?” He asked. I completely forgot my mom invited him. I had to think about the normal time we ate.

            “Around five, is that okay with you?” I said.

            “Perfect, I wouldn’t miss it.” He said smiling. “See ya then cutie.”


Hope you enjoyed it! Comment bellow. Next part is coming soon. :)

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