8. Ridicule

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"So I think we should go down to the beach today." Eliza cheerfully said the next morning, she was sat on one of the bar stools around the kitchen counter eating her lunch.

Her bright idea had everyone responding with a unanimous 'yeah!'

Everyone except Rainy.

Busy prodding at her salad aimlessly with her fork, her tiresome body had not been cooperating with her in the slightest. She looked a mess; dark circles showing under her almond eyes and her hair had been straightened back in a high ponytail with the front strands left out framing her heart-shaped face. She was dressed in an oversized t-shirt that barely reached mid-thigh with a pair of strappy nude sandals on.

Elijah had assumed she had started her period due to her current mood being all over the place. She had shouted at him earlier for forgetting to put the toilet seat down and then cried because she simply felt bad for yelling at him. It had taken him an entire box of tissues just to calm her down, having to reassure her that he knew she didn't mean it.

He wasn't phased by her comment about putting the seat down, it was something she had always gotten onto him for. It was only when she had suddenly started bawling that he started to get worried about whether or not something deeper was going on that he didn't know about.

Elijah had seen her cry only twice in their entire relationship and each time she'd been on her period.

Her choice of clothing was also another indicator of her awful mood, she purposely dressed down when it was that time of the month. Well as dressed down as she could get, this was her version of not putting any effort into her look.

"Rain? Do you think you'll be able to make it to the beach today?" Elijah spoke through his mouthful, practically scoffing down the piece of toast.

Rainy could feel the bubbling guilt inside of her growing. She was so ashamed and mortified of last nights activities that she was taking it out on him. At the sound of his hesitating, she kept her head down mumbling a quiet reply to only him. "I'll see how I feel."

Why was she being so cold with him when she was the one that had royally fucked up.

She needed to tell him.

Rainy was going to tell him, she had to.

She just needed to find the right words to say; 'I love you so much and oh I accidentally let your uncle give me countless orgasms last night, please don't break up with me!"

Oh who was she kidding, she couldn't tell him.

Elijah deserved someone who was going to love and appreciate him dearly. He needed someone that didn't lie to him and valued him enough to keep only his bed warm. No one else's.

Rainy was a liar and a cheat. The two things she had despised most in the world.

Her mind was currently in overdrive of turmoil that she hadn't even noticed the sound of footsteps entering the kitchen. Elijah chuckled beside her, watching his half-asleep uncle walk into the kitchen with nothing but his boxers on. Silver was busy scratching his beard with his hand whilst yawning with his mouth wide open. Heading straight for the fridge, he opened it peering inside as he tried to find the orange juice he was in the mood for.

"Dude it's almost noon, how are you just waking up," Elijah commented clearly amused when he spotted his uncle pick up what he was looking for and close the fridge door.

Silver shrugged his shoulders, lifting the juice up to his lips as he took a generous sip. Lisa let out a loud yelp at the action, her face contorting into pure disgust. "I thought told you to stop drinking from the carton you fucking idiot!"

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