20. Denial

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The last remaining days had passed by in a blur, soon enough the eventful trip was officially coming to an end. After countless hours of swimming by the pool, family activities, and an array of fancy dinners later, it was the last night at the dream vacation house.

They would be flying home in the early hours of the morning.

Peering ahead at the intimidating door, there was a slight uncertainty before the loud knocking sounded down the empty hallway. Waiting patiently, the chills of the air-conditioning developed as goosebumps all over the exposed skin. The silk black robe tied around the petite woman did nothing for warmth, so, therefore, she crossed her arms over her chest and rubbed her sides.

Then, the door pulled open and tired deep brown eyes focused down on her.


Biting down on her bottom lip at the lethal bluntness, she stood on quivering legs. "You weren't at dinner tonight." She noted matter of factly.

Rainy Love was not stupid.

The philosophy professor had been avoiding her at all costs, she had first noticed after he didn't show up to dinner a few nights ago. Of course, that could've been caused by anything, like work, a sudden illness or even just the blatant excuse of being too tired. But after he'd continued to not show for the rest of the following nights, she began to get suspicious. Rainy assumed she was overthinking everything until she noticed his absence during fun family activities such as the spontaneous hiking adventure or swimming with dolphins.

Guess who hadn't shown up to either.

Her eyes trailed down from the uninterested expression on his face to the white towel wrapped around his waist. He seemed to have a firm hold on the door with one hand, whilst the other leaned against the frame blocking the view behind him.

"If you've come here just to tell me that then this conversation is over." Silver said in his usual controlled manner. "I'm busy." She wasn't sure why but she was taken aback by his appearance. The smell of his aftershave and manly body wash hit her nostrils, she could see speckles of water droplets on his skin.

Rainy hesitated. "You're busy?"

"That is what I just said isn't it."

Pushing her long curly hair aside, she sighed moving her head to briefly look over his shoulder before returning to his face. She couldn't see anything without tiptoeing, but she was certain he had done that on purpose. He didn't want her to see his room which only caused her interest to grow.

The pale light from his lit room spilled through the gaps, and she positioned a hand on her hip. "Why weren't you at dinner?" she pestered on, "you missed the fire dancers."

"I can see them again next year."

She hadn't even seen him at breakfast, it was almost as if he was doing everything he could to avoid her.

"Silver," At the sound of his name emitting out of her tempting lips, he glanced down at them. Though, he didn't let himself falter too long before raising a brow. "You're avoiding me." She verified, suppressed in a low whisper for his ears only.

That made him scoff as a sarcastic laugh made its way out. "And what would make you think that Miss. Love." He was being straightforward, and cold.

Miss. Love?

A frown carved onto her features, and she swallowed back her nerves answering back promptly. "For starters, you haven't even looked me in the eyes properly yet, and you're acting strange. I don't want you to feel like you can't be around your family just because I'm there."

Silver snorted at her clearly rehearsed spiel, grasping the door closer to him. "You really think highly of yourself don't you?" Rolling his eyes, he continued on to explain. "As I said before, I'm busy so if that's everything you have to say then have a nice night."

She wasn't sure why she had even cared for his disappearing act in the first place, it was just something she had wanted to get off her chest. Elijah had taken up most of her time, and rightfully so, but the constant nagging in the back of her head to seek him out had won.

Before he could shut the door in her face, her hand jutted out and held it back. "See there it is again, you're avoiding me." She snapped, making him grunt lowly.

His own anger was rising and he could slowly feel the heat rushing to his face. "I'm not doing anything, if I remember correctly it was you that asked me to leave you and your boyfriend alone so that's what I'm fucking doing."

Rainy didn't like the way he was speaking to her, the fixed dismissive tone was worse than him shouting. At least, he had some sort of emotion when he yelled at her, instead, he sounded unconcerned. Like he really wanted her out of his sight.

She felt a tug in the pit of her stomach, but ignored it and nudged further on the door between them. "We need to talk about this." She said honestly, the nasty feeling of anger spreading.

"What part of 'I'm busy' can your brain not comprehend?"

"I'm not leaving here until you let me in," replied Rainy.

Silver opened his mouth, then closed it again. He was so irritated that the vein in his forehead was protruding, and he clenched his jaw. "Look I don't know how to say this nicely but I don't care." He started, watching as her face fell with each word. "Do you understand that? I don't care what you want to talk about, and I really don't care to know why you're here."

If she hadn't received the hint before, she most certainly had now.

"If you're here to let me know that it was all one big mistake, don't bother I'm a big boy I can handle it." The sarcasm was only getting thicker the more he raged on. "It was just sex and quite frankly I'm glad it's over, thanks to you I now remember why I stopped fucking with younger women. I'm well aware of the fact that we go home tomorrow so before you say it, no I won't tell anyone." It was all coming out with ease, as if he had done this before.

Her mouth fell agape as she tried to comprehend his current state of animosity.

"Now please, for the love of God. Leave me the fuck alone."

With that the door slammed shut in her face and for the first time in her life, Rainy was left speechless.

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