26. Surprises

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"Surprise! Happy birthday Silver!"

Confetti sprayed over the exhausted professor as he pushed the door wide open.

The words alone created a sour taste in his mouth, looking over at the array of individuals scattered around his home in party hats and sheepish grins, Silver gave the awaiting faces a meek smile in return.

"Wow." The sarcastic comment sounded around the hallway. "Thank you all for reminding me that I'm thirty, it feels amazing to be this old."

There was nothing he despised more than celebrating his birthday.

"I told you guys that he wouldn't be impressed." The laugh came from an amused Lisa who was standing before him with a cake in her hands. She walked over whilst everyone watched, and placed a kiss upon his cheek.

"Tanti auguri di buon compleanno."

"Grazie." The birthday boy replied gruffly.

Even though they constantly argued, his sisters had always gone the extra mile for his birthday. They never let him celebrate alone, always wanting to make it an extravaganza. He had an inkling that they would pull something like this for his thirtieth birthday which was why he had made sure to stay behind at work for an extra hour. However, when his hunger had gotten the better of him, he was forced to come home.

Putting his coat and briefcase down, he sighed and looked around the packed hallway. He could see familiar faces dotted around, from his family, to his closest friends all from different times in his life, and even some work colleagues. There were so many people gathered around, that he was finding it difficult to focus on one person.

He couldn't fathom how weird it felt seeing everyone piled into his house.

He didn't stand there looking unamused for too long, with a nudge to the arm pushing him forwards, he was pulled into many greetings and conversations.

And just like that, the night began. The sound of music and chatter filled up the apartment as people danced, partied and walked around with drinks in their hands.

Silver found himself spacing out, unable to pay any attention to the conversations he was having, he lifted the glass in his hands to his lips and downed the contents. He was so tired from the long day he had encountered, it wasn't long before he had excused himself and disappeared upstairs to lock himself in his room.

His hand worked around the knot as he tugged on his tie with a rough pull and let it come undone. He chucked it onto the floor, and started to unbutton his shirt. Once he was shirtless, he shoved his hands through his hair to push his curls away from his forehead, his chest moving with each breath he took.

Sinking down onto his large bed, the black satin sheets pooled around him. He rested his head back against the mattress, closing his eyes. The dull headache was worsening, the music was blaring causing him to wince and clench his jaw.

Like he had anticipated, he didn't get to relax even for a second. A loud thumping noise could be heard, he groaned, getting up and reached for his door. He unlocked it, and with a quick turn he pulled it open.

"Give me a second Lisa, I'm changing."

But it wasn't who Silver had expected it to be, when he looked across at the intruder, he stopped.

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