36. Foreign

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Looking at the excessive amount of cereal boxes on display, her fingers tapped against the shopping cart distractedly. There were so many different kinds that she didn't know where to start.

"Green slime cereal." Rainy mouthed in disbelief, her eyes aimlessly landing on the strange cereal. She was disgusted yet curious. After very little persuasion needed from herself, she leaned over and picked the suspicious box up settling with the odd choice and placing it into her cart.

Strolling down the rest of the aisle, she came to a halt when she spotted the vegetable aisle at the very end. She wanted to turn her cart the other way and walk back to the confectionary aisle, but she knew she was here to shop for the week. She had clear instruction to keep to the list and not steer off.

Rainy was useless when it came to grocery shopping, anything that seemed remotely interesting would always end up the shopping cart.

Of course, she would explain how the green slime cereal ended up in the shopping because some kid was messing around and accidentally threw it into the cart and that she hadn't noticed it until after she checked out.

Moving towards the arrangement of salad greens, she let go of her cart and walked over to get a better look.

Now, what kind of leaves did she want?

Iceberg lettuce, kale, spinach, collard, chard, romaine lettuce, her mind trailed off as she went down the large selection.

She could feel a headache forming behind her eyes, trying desperately to ignore the flare of pain in her back and the throbbing of her feet. She contemplated just giving up and surrendering in the middle of aisle eight.


What was that?

Rainy's eyebrows shot up in astonishment, she narrowed her eyes down on the salad leaves and tried to focus better on the voice.

Had she really spoken to herself that much that the voice in her head was actually replying?

It wasn't until she felt someone prod their finger into her shoulder that she jolted and snapped her head around. She clutched onto the bar of her shopping cart, and found the stranger looking at her in awaiting.

"I thought it was you from your curls but I wasn't too sure." The familiar face came into view.

Big blue-green eyes looked at her with obvious uncertainty, thin eyebrows raised in question - disappearing behind the stylish fringe. Words were lost to Rainy for a second, too stunned by high cheekbones and curled lips.

Then she sputtered out an unintelligible response. "Oh my gosh, I almost didn't recognise you without the pink." She said with a soft laugh and reached up to touched the vibrant blue locks. "It looks amazing."

She wasn't lying when she had said that.

Eliza looked beautiful, standing in front of her in a baby blue summers dress that had flowers on it, and a pair of white sneakers. Her newly dyed locks reached shoulder length and straightened. "Thank you." She gushed, giving her one of her award winning smiles. "What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in forever."

Rainy didn't know how to answer that.

She wasn't sure what to say, but she did know one thing. There was something about the intriguing girl that she liked, she didn't care so much that she happened to the twin of her ex boyfriend.

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