33. Comfort

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Opening the door with full force, the befuddled older man barely had time to adjust to the bright light spilling out from the hallway. He was positive that no one wanted him to rest properly, he couldn't remember the last time he had a full nights sleep.

The full eight hours sounded like a myth to the poor professor.

"What?" He half whispered, half yelled.

The continuous thumping had awoken him from his deep slumber, and by the time he had figured out it was someone at his front door and tried to ignore it by pressing his eyes shut. The pesky noise only became louder and more urgent.

Whoever it was, clearly would not stop until he opened the door.

Silver tried his hardest to not get angry but he was at his breaking point.

"Someone better be dying." He snapped angrily, it was way past the appropriate time to be knocking on anyone's door.

"I'm so sorry for waking you up." Rainy's shaky voice rushed out. "But I really needed to talk to someone."

Somehow his anger subsided the moment he looked down to see the petite girl in nothing but her pyjamas. She had no makeup on, letting her light freckles that dusted her nose appear. And his eyes dragged over her smooth legs to her feet. Her bunny slippers.

Was she not cold? Was the first thought that popped into his head.

Silver lowered his eyes onto her solemn face, and held back his groan. "I'm actually a fucking therapist." He said out loud, he was speaking more so to himself. He was suddenly aware of his unfortunate role in everyone's life around him. "Please, do tell me what's wrong baby."

He had no energy left to listen to her share her feelings.

Rainy lips pulled into a pout to stop her from crying at his blatant mocking, there was a quivering behind her pout.

He was shirtless, his hair a mess and silk boxers hung low on his hips. His familiar husky voice was making her the pressure against her eyes worsen.

The sarcasm he had on his tongue disappeared as soon as he saw the first tear fell down her cheek. He hesitated, even when the rest of the tears poured out at once and her soft hiccups started.

"What is wrong with you."

He couldn't bring himself to console her.

It was easy with his niece and nephews, when they cried he was able to comfort them and hold them. But when it was her, his stone cold expression stayed put.

"Stop that now." He uttered, feeling uncomfortable with the crying girl on his doorstep. "Seriously, stop."

Was he supposed to ask her why she was crying?

Every time she opened her mouth, her trembling body shook even more and she let out sharper cries. She felt hopeless, she was trying to find her voice but she couldn't speak.

Silver clicked his tongue, realising that she was on the verge of a panic attack. He stood in his position, not wanting to touch her while she let it out.

Eventually, she settled into a less panicked cry and took long shaky breaths.

"He dumped me."

The tears streamed down her face, as her gentle sobs sounded throughout the hallway of his apartment complex.

"Over the fucking phone."

Well that would explain her current state.

He waited for her to explain why, maybe even bring up the reasoning behind the breakup. But she didn't.

Silver watched her fall apart in front of him, the frown lines in his forehead only becoming deeper. "What do you want me to do about it?" He never had to deal with fully grown women crying around him, he never let his flings go on long enough for emotions to get in the way.

The aftermath of a breakup was the last thing he had expected to be witnessing at three am in the morning. He was sure the universe refused to grant him with his one simple wish, which was to have a long peaceful sleep.

If anything, he was wide awake now.

Rainy scoffed only crying harder at his harshness, sniffing nosily as she wiped at her runny nose. "I-I don't know." She whimpered, unable to keep her bottom lip from quivering again.

"I don't know."

She honestly had no idea what she was doing there.

It was the first place she could think of.

He narrowed his gaze, usually he would find it easy to shut the door and return to his slumber. However, when he looked down at her, his chiselled jaw clenched trying to stop himself from feeling concerned.

"Well I don't want the neighbours to complain." Silver grunted, he had barely moved though, keeping his eyes solely on her. "If you're going to keep crying like a child then I suggest you come inside."

"You're an asshole." She sniffed.

"I know."

To any normal person, that wouldn't have sounded endearing in the slightest, but to Rainy she knew that was his way of inviting her in.

Silver reluctantly moved the door open wider for her, and nothing more was needed to be said.

Rainy looked up at him, seeing the soft expression plastered on his face. His harsh words were a contrast to how he truly felt, and she could see right through him.

He cared.

She walked closer to him and paused before wrapping her arms around his waist and shoving her small face into his chest. He waited for a few seconds and then finally dropped his hands, letting his strong arms wrap firmly around her, holding her.

They stood there unmoving whilst she softly wept.

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