38. Loss of Control

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Being in control was something Silver Rivera took pride in.

He enjoyed teaching as it gave him a set routine to follow, the control he had over his students only encouraged him to work harder. Control meant everything to the hardheaded man. He didn't drink alcohol, had never tried any sort of illegal drug, and most certainly didn't let himself lose his temper.

The ban he had from drinking was probably the biggest rule he followed.

The obsession with wanting to be in control had started from early on. He knew exactly why he liked to be in control of everything he did, it was the same the reason behind his need for complete sobriety.

Four days before his eleventh birthday, his parents had passed away in a freak accident. He could remember the day clearly, the car had rolled a total of seven times. His mother had died at the scene and his father had managed to hold on for four more days in the hospital before he later passed away from complications.

The driver who had hit them had been intoxicated on drugs and alcohol, he also died at the scene of events.

That was why he had never had a sip of alcohol, even during his college days. He stayed sober in fear of making the same mistake the drunken driver had made. Instead, he submerged himself into books and girls, the latter was something that he needed to work on. From fairly young, he knew how to separate sex and feelings. Sex didn't mean anything to him, he enjoyed it like any other person did. But he knew how to shut his feelings off, there was no room in his head for complex emotions.

Feelings were not something Silver had control over, especially not love. He was scared of love, so terribly afraid that he avoided it at all costs.

Because the last time he had loved so deeply, unconditionally, it had been selfishly taken away from him. Taken away, and never to be returned.

"-before you all pack your things and leave, could the following students make their way to the front." Silver's steady voice splintered the lecture hall, he was busy staring at the sheet before him, running over the six names. "Daniel Hall, Joshua Becker, Lisa Monroe, Kitty Chung, Freddie Wu and Azita Love."

The entire place emptied within a few minutes, and it was less than five minutes before six nervous faces stood in front of the mahogany desk.

The only face he avoided eye contact with was the one that had constantly been on his mind.

Rainy stood next to the rest of the clueless students whilst listening to the professor talk. She had her bag over her shoulder, and her hair was down in its usual curly state, one side tucked behind her ears showing the diamond encrusted cc earrings she had in. The light makeup dusted on her face was a nice change, bringing out her features more.

He spoke for ten straight minutes, she wasn't surprised when she heard him explain that the reason they had been called down was due to their struggling grades. He wanted to make sure they passed his class, and warned them that they would need to figure it out before the end of the academic year.

In simpler terms, he had basically told them off without raising his voice.

And then he dismissed them, not without saying the one thing she was waiting for him to say. "You're all free to leave, except you Miss. Love. I'd like to speak to you alone."

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