10. Observation

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Cutting into the succulent steak, the delicious aroma that oozed out of the juices wafted under her nostrils as she lifted the fork to her lips. She took a big bite savouring the flavours that attacked her mouth.

Rainy was wearing a emerald green silk slip dress that went well with her rich tan. Her honey coated melanin looked better than ever before, her skin was healthy looking and glowing. Her thick black curls were pushed to one side, showcasing her dangly silver earrings.

She was wearing makeup for the first time in a while, though it was nothing too wild. Her skin had a light layer of foundation and concealer, her cheekbones looked more sculpted than usual. And her thick lashes were coated in mascara making it look like she had on false eyelashes.

She looked beautiful.

"You know I was wondering if that was your real name Rainy? Or is it just a nickname? I've never heard of a name like yours before." Elijah's father, John, had asked curiously across the table, causing her to break free of her trance. The steak had momentarily forced her into a hypnotic spell of euphoria.

Rainy smiled warmly at the older man, he resembled Elijah a lot except for the fact that he had grey hair. With a chiselled jawline that was covered in stubble, he had a broad nose and warm bright blue eyes.

Clearing her throat, she gulped down her red wine before putting it besides her plate. "Oh thank you, and no it's not. It's actually a funny story."

She felt the breeze of the cool air hit her skin, her dress had been backless stopping right above her butt. She moved her hair slightly out of her face, her dark eyes glossing over with nostalgia.

"I used to hate the rain when I was little and my parents used that weather trauma and ran with it." She explained rolling her eyes as she told them the meaning behind her unfortunate name. She watched as both John and Sofia laughed loudly at her amusing story.

She was a sweet girl that they couldn't seem to fault, she fit in perfectly with the family.

"But my real name is Azita, after the Iranian princess."

The family dinner had been on a private beach that night, the fairy lights illuminated the long dining table. The sounds of the waves crashing against the shore was light and airy, she looked around to take in the spectacular view. The kids had been put to bed a few hours before, therefore, making it a grown-ups evening only. Aunt Felicity and her husband had also decided to call it a night having resided to their room. Elijah was sitting next to Rainy, with his parents opposite him. Eliza had been sitting on the other side of her, opposite Silver, and Lisa next to Eliza.

Elijah chuckled lowly, "I still can't believe that's the reason why you're called Rainy." He muttered when she turned to face him. He placed a kiss upon her nose making it scrunch up a few seconds later.

He quickly fell into another conversation with his parents about something that Rainy found herself zoning out of. She was too busy staring at him, the feeling of shame settling in her gut yet again.

She couldn't say that he didn't look handsome in his white t-shirt and black trousers combo. Elijah had his elbows resting on the table, having finished his food, he was engaged in conversation. She spotted the pricey watch on his wrist that was covered in tattoos and made her way over his styled hair. It was gelled back, she wasn't surprised to see him prodding the black lip ring with his tongue.

He had a habit of playing with it when he was talking.

She frowned, going to rest her left hand on his thigh, his touch was enough to make her body tingle with such emotion. He didn't even glance down, simply returning the favour by placing his own hand on top of hers. He started to lightly stroke her hand with his thumb, making the corners of her mouth pull upwards.

He was so affectionate towards her, even without meaning to be. He was always making sure she was happy and content.

Rainy didn't deserve him, she really didn't.

Thinking about her shameful act of infidelity, she sighed softly swallowing back the overwhelming feeling of fear.

She didn't want to lose him.

But she knew she already had.

Rainy glanced over at Silver, who was busy cutting into his steak not paying any attention. Dressed in a black short sleeve shirt that had the first few buttons opened and some black slacks, she took in his attire slowly. His hair was combed back well, a gold chain hanging from his neck and a gold ring on his index finger.

She could see the tattoos that he had scattered around his tanned chest peaking out of his shirt, as he lifted his fork to his mouth he aimlessly looked around the engaged table.

That was when his eyes found hers.

Silver hadn't even bothered to look her over like she had done with him, not caring about what she looked like, he simply frowned. His dark brows knitting together in confusion at her blatant stare.

Although he didn't seem to be that fazed when he easily pulled his attention away from her, returning back to his food which he seemed to be more interested in.

That said it all.

She knew a man like Silver didn't care for her, he just wanted plain sex. That's all he saw when he looked at her, sex.

"Oh shit, that reminds me. Eliza and my aunt Lisa are going shopping for dresses tomorrow, you should join them." Elijah told his girlfriend, who snapped her head back to his appearing perplexed.

"Shopping?" Rainy repeated.

He nodded, motioning his hands towards his parents who were busy kissing. "Yeah, it's their wedding anniversary party in two days. I did tell you about it this morning didn't I? It's one of the reasons why we come here for our spring break, it's tradition."

Oh fuck.

He had told her, she just hadn't been listening. He had even shown her the suit he was going to be wearing to the celebration that would be taking part in the beach house.

"Of course!" She breathed out, reaching in to place a gentle kiss upon his lips. "I'd love to go shopping with them."

However, as she kissed him she couldn't help but think one thing.

She didn't feel any of the butterflies that she usually felt.

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