15. Hearsay

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He tried to fathom what he had just encountered as he walked down the long empty hallway and neared the study. He had been trying to relax in the sun when his oldest niece had come running over to disturb him with what she deemed as exciting news. She wouldn't stop chewing his ear off for an entire hour, at first he had been confused at to what was going on and then he heard her utter the simple words.

'Rainy attends NYU!"

He wasn't surprised to say the least, he had known someone would find out sooner than later. Therefore, his reaction was nothing out of the ordinary. He didn't even blink an eye, returning to his book and telling Eliza to leave him alone.

He was just surprised that he hadn't seen his so called student the entire day.

Usually, she would be spread out in whatever skimpy bikini she was wearing for the day across him on one of the deckchairs. Her tanned skin would glisten under the sun, and he would be able to see the slight freckles forming on her fresh face around her nose.

That thought alone made him pause.

Why was he thinking about her freckles?

The sun was definitely getting to his head, he thought.

Shaking his head, Silver reached for the door handle and pulled it open. He had changed into a black t-shirt and a pair of fitted black sweats. His hair was still wet from the shower he had just taken, with strands curling up on his forehead and the smell of aftershave wafted around the air.

The ink that covered his skin was easily hidden with the shirt. He had always been into tattoo's but his profession restricted him from having too many. That was why the pieces he did own were big enough to be seen without a shirt and in places where he could hide them. His chest, shoulders and even parts of his back were covered in the risky ink. However, possibly his most important tattoo had to be the one on his ring finger.

The initials of his late parents.

Walking inside of the dark room, he raised his head to find the sleeping figure settled on his chair. Light snores filled up the room, whilst he stood by the door in bewilderment.

So this is where she had disappeared off to?

Silver noted the way her curly hair shone in the dim lighting of the study. The soft texture of her skin and redness of her lips. Her chest moved up and down; her bikini top had come slightly undone revealing the sides of her full breasts spilling out of the material. That was when he snapped out of his trance like spell.

Moving over to the desk, he wasn't the tiniest bit subtle when he slammed his hand down with a loud thud. The feel of the wood coming into contact with his skin.

Rainy let out an abrupt yelp jerking wide awake at the sudden noise as her hands shot up to her face to rub at her tired eyes. When she snapped her head up and spotted his face come into her vision, she glared at him.

"Can I help you?" She asked, the sheer sarcasm dripping from her lips.

Silver gave her a curt nod, and cleared his throat. He was busy gathering the papers left in the middle of the desk, not paying her any attention. "I need to use the laptop, so get out."

Muttering a line of curses under her breath, she pushed the chair back harshly, getting up. "You know it wouldn't hurt you to say please every now and then."

He rolled his eyes. "Why would I say please when it's my family home?" Emphasising on the word my.

The low blow was enough to make her frown.

Rainy stared at him, watching the way he sorted through his things and made a face. "Who pissed in your lucky charms this morning." She pressed, his sour attitude was making her dislike him even more.

If that was even possible.

His eyes fell down onto hers when he looked over at her. It was as if he had forgotten just how short she was, she looked so small standing before him bare foot. "Let's see, according to recent news it turns out Rainy Love attends the college I'm working at." The false shock in his voice only got more melodramatic when he said, "and not only that she takes philosophy which happens to be the department I teach in. So if you want to know who pissed in my lucky charms this morning, it would appear to be you."

Rainy winced, scrunching her nose up at his somewhat amusing outburst. "I'd hate to be the one to do this, but you leave me no choice."

Silver stared at her blankly.

Offering him a sheepish grin, she pushed the laptop towards him and took a few steps back. "I don't want to say I told you so, but I told you so."

He walked around the desk, sitting down in his chair as she continued to ramble. "If you had just told Eli that you're my professor like any normal person would have done, we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place."

"Oh right," The professor agreed. "because that's the reason why you spread your legs for me."

Rainy scoffed at his crude description of what had happened. It wasn't like that. Immediately, her smile fell as the frown planted firmly back onto her features. Her blood started to boil thinking about the unfortunate situation, she had been so horny that she was desperate for anything.

She glared at him, as he opened the laptop. Leaning back in the leather chair and typing furiously against the keys. Silver ignored her completely, he didn't bother to spare her a glance, not even when she let out a frustrated scream and grabbed ahold of a nearby book.

Throwing it at the opposite side of the wall , she watched it bounce off the edge of a set of mahogany drawers, she let out another huff.

For some strange reason, her tantrum had made her feel a lot better.

Rainy straightened herself up, and moved to pat her hair down. "Would you excuse me," She said in a gentle tone, holding her head up and heading for the door. Before she could leave, she heard his steady voice say.

"You're already excused, but you might want to fix your top."

Her eyes instantly dropped down to her chest where she realised the strings of her bikini top around her neck had fallen off so her entire chest was exposed. Her cheeks flamed with embarrassment at the thought of her full breasts being on display during her madwoman outbreak.

Grabbing ahold of the little material, she covered herself quickly. "I knew that."

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