Bloopy Joopy!

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Again,really sorry for the sudden change of story plot but honestly I really didn't plot the first time but this time I have a plot for it so yeah. I had to delete it. Anyway I hope y'all are safe. Please stay home too. That up there is Paulo and Pablo. Mya's twin cousins. They just happened to land my story somehow. I didn't even know Liam Hemsworth had a brother and I always get confused by faces. They just look so alike. Anyway...

And to the next chapter...

When I got home, Paulo and Pablo had mercilessly attacked me with hugs and kisses and oh my goshes but they were looking cute as ever. They had stubbles on their face and their hairs were a bit messy but that's them. We talked so long we didn't even realize it was midnight. They kept telling me that keeping myself at work for long was not healthy for me but what can I say? They cared too much for me. It was now two am and I couldn't sleep. I'm a bit of an insomniac. It's been problem since a certain incident years back when dad,mom and I went back to Spain for a few years. I decided to go downstairs for a bottle of water. I went down to the kitchen and went to the fridge for the water. When I got it I sat down on a bar stool and drank it. Sometimes I get nightmares from that incident but I haven't had one since I was nineteen. Thank God for that. I was lost in thought when I heard a thud followed by an all familiar oomf. Paulo. I turned back to the counter and chuckled. The twins had this thing they did to announce their presence. They always fell flat on their faces after tripping on nothing. I wondered if they ever got tired of falling. I felt him sit down next to me. It was silent and I was just sitting there. Thinking.

"You know Mya, it's really good to see you since the last time. I missed you." He said.

"Me too. I missed your paella too and your coffee too." I said with a half smile.

"Oh. Is that the only thing that you miss about me?" He asked half amused.

"Yep,totally. That's it." I said playfully with a goofy smile of my face. He gasps dramatically and I began to laugh at the expression on his face. He also cracks a smile.

"Now that's the smile I remember." He said and I continued to smile.

"Thanks Paulo. I really needed it." I said gratefully.

"No probs Mya." He said. There was a comfortable silence that enveloped us. Before I broke it.

"Well I should probably get to bed. Or else I will be a mess tomorrow." I said as I readied myself to go back up but Paulo stopped me.

"Exactly so tomorrow I'll cover for you." He said and I vigorously shook my head no.

"Nope. No way. I'll be fine. Besides I'm still needed there to sign this contract." I lied even though I've already signed that contract.

"You can sign it here and I'll take it for you." He suggested. I still shook my head and he sighed. "Mya you need to rest. Uncle Andrade said to keep an eye on you." He said.

"Yeah but dad's not here and I'll be fine. The company needs me. I can't slack off when dad trusted me with it. No way am I letting it go." I ranted. He looked at me for a while then he sighed for the second time.

"Alright. I'll let you off. Now go to bed before I change my mind." He said

"Oh bloopy joopy. Good night." I said happily and skipped out of there. I went up to my room and lay on my bed. I stared at the ceiling and tried to sleep but I obviously so I opened my drawer and took out the pills I've been taking to sleep. I took one and lay there. It took a while for it to kick in but eventually it did and I was gone before I knew it.

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