Hemsworth's Son.

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Hello hello,how we all doing? Comment and vote. Love y'all. Stay home,stay safe.

He looked confused. I looked like I was having the best time of my life. Penelope and Julian left the minute those words left my mouth. They closed the door on their way out. First time they actually do that. Especially for Julian.

"I'm sorry,what?" He asked.

"Do you remember me? The little annoying girl that could do way better if her head wasn't always in the clouds." I said remembering he had said that about me one time when we were little.

"The little annoying girl?" He asked still looking confused.

"Yeah,your brother and I were and are really close. Like bffs." I said and something seemed to click.

"Ximena? You're...older and dare I say prettier." He said surprised. I was just reeling from the fact that he called me pretty.

"Um yeah. Thank you for the compliment and yes. I'm older and certainly do not need a babysitter especially one that's hemsworth's son." I stated.

"About that,can we not tell my father I'm here? He um, he thinks I'm in Australia right now." He said.

"Uh yeah,your entire family thinks you're in Australia. Why'd you lie?" I asked curiously.

"That's not important but would you please keep my secret? I need to be away from my family for a while." He begged.

"Okay, I won't say anything but please call them so they'll know you're safe and never call me by my middle name. Only my dad can call me that. And my mother but anyways." I said and he nodded in understanding.

"Totally." He said. I nodded and sighed. But I don't understand something here.

"Just one more question. Why did you accept this job? Didn't Paulo and Pablo tell you about me?"  I asked.

"Ximena that's two questions and I needed to keep myself busy and away from Australia so I accepted the job because it's gonna be easy and keeps me away from my family." He said and I stared at him. "What?"

"Kacey, I'm literally tied to your family. Your father's really close to mine and they work together. They literally have a project that I and your father are working on. And have you forgotten you just saw your brother this afternoon?" I said and he stopped. It was quiet for a while. Then he finally spoke.

"I gotta get out of here." I shook my head vigorously.

"No no no, you stay here. I can't let you just leave without notice. I'm not gonna tell your dad anything but I do need to know where you are and having you here is perfect. If Silvia or Sinister start to worry I can assure them you're okay." I said.

"But that would raise suspicion about how you know." He argued.

"Okay, let's just calm down. Sinister and Silvia and the rest of your family think you're in Australia right now. When were you supposed to be back?" I asked.

"Next two weeks." He answered.

"Okay well,we can keep you here for that amount of time. You work for me or whatever,you get paid and when that time is up I can give you my place in southern New York. If you still wanna be away from your parents." I suggested. He looked at me.

"Why are you helping me?" He asked.

"Well...um I would've done the same thing for Ricky if he were to be in this situation." I lied. He didn't seem convinced but he didn't press.

"Okay. Thank you. So now I'm supposed to watch you." He said and I frowned.

"Lance,leave my office." I said.

"Ximena, I'm not leaving." He challenged.

"Okay then. Stay. I don't care. I had work to do." I said, annoyed and went to continue my work. He settled on the couch and I worked and ignored him. After about two hours he got up. Finally. He checked his phone then put it in his pocket and clapped his hands.

"Okay. Get up and let's get you to bed." He said and I looked at him as though he had lost his mind.

"Excuse you but I don't take orders from anyone." I said harshly. "You may be my bodyguard now but that doesn't mean I'll take orders from you." I continued.

"Ximena, stop being difficult. we all know that if I leave you here all alone, you're gonna end up here for the rest of the night." he countered. I became a tad bit furious.

"I told you to never use my middle name and my decision is final. I'm staying here and you can't stop me." I argued and huffed, crossing my arms defiantly. 

"I swear i'm gonna drag you outta here." He threatened. My eyebrows shot up. 

"Did you just threaten me Lance? Because if you are I am so-" my words were cut off as he started towards me. He was going to follow through with his plan. I immediately ran tom the other side of the desk.  

"Mya, I'm not leaving you here. let's go." he said with a certain finality which made me mad to the core. I sneered at him and continued to sit. he sighed and began walking towards. my eyes widened. "Where are you going? Stay right there! don't come any closer or i'll-" he cut me off by placing his palm on my mouth and turning me, making my back hit his chest. I let out a muffled scream as he began to walk out with me in his arms. I kicked and swung my arm in every direction. He grunts and says, "Damn it Mya, always so violent!" he grunted. i kept kicking until I felt him drop me on my bed. i turned to him with a death glare. He took in a deep breath then released it harshly. we glared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. he finally said,

"Good night Mya." and walked away. i'm really beginning to contemplate ruining his life. 

So that's that. Shout out to @charallela,love you boo. Thank you so much for all the votes and support. i love you and every other person that has ever voted on my stories. Really appreciate it. 

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