This Is Weird.

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Hey dudes and dudettes. What's the haps? I know I sound like I'm like eighty years old. Yeah yeah,but hey comment and vote. Remember you're all loved by both I and God. Stay home, stay safe.

Love heals the most weakest person...

I was working when jerky came back and sat in the couch close to the door. I ignored him and went back to work. Hours later Rick came barging into my office.

"Hey M." He said happily. I was stunned but I was about to burst out laughing too. I finally did and got up.

"Hey R man. What's up?" I said and hugged him. Jerky was minding his own noodles. Good. Rick and I broke apart.

"Well, since I found out you were so close I figured we could head out for lunch." He said hopefully. His pale green eyes pleaded with me silently. I laughed and agreed.

"Okay okay, let's go. And stop making those eyes at me. It's creepy." I stated and went for my purse. "So where we going?" I asked but there was no answer. I looked back to find Rick staring at jerky. Jerky was staring at Rick too. It was really an intense stare. I looked between them and realized something. They looked alike. So I asked randomly,
"Hey are you two related or something?" That must have snapped something into them both. They both looked over at me and I just stared at me. Okay,this is weird. Rick finally spoke up.

"Uh, let's go." He said,grabbed my hand and dragged me out of there. We went down the elevator in silence. When we got down I stopped him.

"Rick,what is it?" I asked. Confused.

"Nothing let's go." He tried to end it but I didn't give up.

"Um no it's not nothing. There's definitely something and you know you can tell me." I said.

"Mya I said it's nothing. Let's just go." He said and pulled me. We hailed a cab and stopped at a nearby cafe. It was beautiful. We got a table and ordered before we sat.
As we eat, I could help thinking about what happened in my office today. Why did they both stare at each other like that? Like they knew each other?



"Do you know the guy that was in my office?" I asked. He looked at me and shook his head. "Tell me the truth Ricky."

"I'm serious Mya." He said. I raised my eyebrow at him. "I don't know him M. I'm telling you."

"Okay then what was the whole stare down you two were having in my office?" I asked.

"He just looked like Kacey. That's why I was staring at him." He said. I still wasn't convinced.

"Uhuh. Well okay. If you say so." I said and looked at my smoothie.

"Hey,so now I know you're close,we can go out to lunch everyday. To pump some weight into you." He said and reached across the table and punched my shoulder lightly. I chuckled and sucked down my smoothie like no one's business.

"Oh not every day. I'll be too busy sometimes to even notice that it's lunch time." I said.

"Oh Mya. Just like I remember. Never liked food and I guess the phase continues." He said and sighed.

"Hey, it's not a phase. I just don't see the reason to eat all the time like some people I know." I glared at him and he shrugged.

"Oh well. At least I eat. You act like food doesn't exist." He said and I gasped playfully.

"No I don't. I eat in the morning. This morning I had pancakes and orange juice." I stated to make a point.

"Did you finish it?" Okay he got me there. But I quickly recovered and lied.

"Oh yes I did."

"Oh no you didn't. Stop lying Amya. You're not a very good liar. When you lie, you fidget with your legs. And the tips of your ears turn red." He said with a smirk.

"Liar!" I whisper yelled.

"Oh I know you way too well to let you go with that one." He laughed. I stomped on his foot and he yelped. Now it was my turn to laugh. "You still play dirty after all this time." He said.

"You're lying, I never played dirty when we were little." I took another sip of my smoothie.

"Yeah well it's good to know that you play dirty now." He went back to smirking. Idiot. We continued talking but then I had to get back to the office so we left the café and went back to the office. He left me at the front of the building saying that Sinister texted him to do something for him so I let him go. I went back up to my office and no surprise there when jerky was still in my office. He was on his phone. I didn't care as long as he didn't talk to me. I got to work and ignored everything around me. After a few hours someone cleared their throat and I looked up. Jerky.

"Miss please it's time for us to leave." He said politely. He's being polite. Why? I decided to rebel to get the worst out of him.

"No. I normally stay here until eight or nine o'clock. I'm not leaving here any earlier." I said disobediently. He raised his eyebrows but still spoke politely.

"Miss Alvarez, I won't hesitate to tell Pablo and Paulo about your time of departure if you don't get up and come on home." He said. He's threatening me? I stood up and looked him in the eye.

"Okay. Go ahead,tell them. I don't really care."  I said daringly.

"Miss Alvarez,if they know, they'll probably tell your father and you don't wanna risk your father coming back from Venezuela,do you now?" He threatened. I thought about it. Jerky had a point. But how did he know my dad's in Venezuela?

"How did you know my dad's in Venezuela?" I asked. He started looking nervous.

"Um, the Solanos told me." He said and I nodded. I sighed in defeat and began to pack up. After I was done, I told him to take the lead. He had already called Cliff for me so I went to Gina and quickly whispered,

"Send me the rest of the scripts." She nodded in understanding and I rushed out. When I got down from the elevator, jerky was standing at the elevator,I guess waiting for me. He nodded at me and I nodded back as if to say 'all done'. We made out way out where Cliff was waiting for us. I still don't know how jerky made it to the office earlier than I did this morning. We headed home. When I got home, Paulo and Pablo were sitting on the couch. I took advantage of that and went up behind them.

"Boo!" The jumped out of chair as I smirked at them.

"Mya. You're back. Great. Penelope has cooked something really good today, you'll love it." Paulo said. I glared at them. "Okay, you're mad." He said.

"Don't be mad Mya we just care about you a lot. We got Kacey to—" Pablo started but I stopped him when I heard Kacey.

"Wait. Hold on, what's his name?" I asked suspiciously.

"Kacey." They both said. I hate it when the talk at the same time

"Kacey what?" I pressed.

"Kacey Hemsworth." Oh God.

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