Remember Me?

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Hey y'all, what's up? So this is chapter ten and I hope you enjoy it. Comment and vote all you want. Love y'all! Kisses and hugs.

I am so confused. Did I just hear...


"Kacey Hemsworth. His name is—" Paulo started.

"I heard you!" They shut up. "Where did you guys find him?" I asked, still confused.

"Well Kacey's our friend. He went to Australia for something but got some reason he called us and said he needed a job so we thought of you and made him your personal chef and body guard to check on your daily activities." Paulo ended. They both looked at me guiltily. I was just confused. Wasn't he supposed to be in Australia for a wedding?

"Wait,do you know his parents?" I asked.

"Yeah but we've never met them. We only know them as Mr and Mrs Hemsworth." Pablo said and I raised my eyebrows.

"Well I know them. Remember that my dad had this really close friend?" I asked while pacing. I don't even know why I'm freaking out.

"Yes?" They both asked.

"Well what's his last name?" I asked trying to see if they get me.

"Um, Mya are we going somewhere with this?" Paulo asked. I sighed. These boys can be dumb sometimes.

"Hemsworth. His last name is Hemsworth." I said.

"And how is that our business?" Pablo asked. I slapped my forehead.

"Dude! Kacey's my dad's best friend's son. We know each other,well I know him but I don't know if he recognizes me. His brother, Rick he and I are like really close. We use to play a lot 'cause my dad always visited he and his wife." I explained. They both gasped.

"You know Kacey." Pablo said as if in a daze.

"Yes. But I don't know if—" I was interrupted. By Kacey. The twins just stared at him.

"Miss Alvarez, Penelope's done with dinner." He said an I nodded. He assessed Pablo and Paulo for a bit before he walked back to the kitchen.

"Seems like he doesn't remember you." Paulo said looking back at me. I nodded and went to the kitchen. The twins followed me to the kitchen and we all sat at the counter. I disliked sitting at the dining table when I didn't have to so I always sat at the counter and ate. It's a habit I don't care to stop. Penelope smiled at us and I made a face at her trying to say ' we need to talk' and she furrowed her eyebrows. I raised an eyebrow and she finally got the memo. She nodded and served us with spaghetti and meatballs. My second favorite food in America. My first is Mac and cheese. I ate in silence, occasionally checking for messages from my dad and Julian. After dinner the twins said they had to get to a party. Twenty pictures later, I let them go. I called Julian and she agreed to come but I needed to talk to Penelope. After she was done she came up to my office. She came in,her hair tied up in a ponytail.

"Hey, que pasa Amiga?" She asked.

"No, estoy no bueno Pen." I said.

"Por que? You look... nervous?" She asked.

"Where's Kacey?" I asked.

"In the kitchen,he said he'd clean up for me." She said.

"Okay. Right. Penelope, I'm living in the same house with my childhood crush." I said surprising myself and Penelope. She raised an eyebrow at me and...grinned?

"Mya,your face is red." She said and laughed. I felt my face and found it hot. Why?

"Why is it red?" I whispered.

"Probably because, maybe you still have a little soft spot for the boy?" She said still grinning.

"You're delusional." I said and blinked.

"Oh really? Well you won't be saying that when—" Kacey barged in. And I was red in the face.

"Miss Alvarez there's a girl at the door for you." He said. I'm still red in the face.

"Um,that must be Julian please tell her to upstairs." I said and he nodded and left. I'm amazed how I can still talk normally. After some time Julian came sprinting in here but when she saw my red face she stopped.

"Oh you're red in the face." She said. I sighed.

"You haven't seen me in a month and your first words are ' oh you're red in the face'?" I ask. She smiles and hugs me. I smiled back and smack her shoulder. She yelps and Penelope chuckles. She looks back and hugs Penelope too.

"I've missed your crazy ass around here." Pen said and Julian. Jules smirked and looked at me.

"So why's she like that?" Jules asked pen. Like I'm right here.

"Oh, childhood crush is living here with her." Pen says and Julian's eyes widen.

"You're kidding." She said breathlessly.

"Oh I'm damn serious." Pen says.

"I'm right here!" I whisper yell. Julian rushes to me and pen firmly shuts the door to the office. They huddle around me and we all began to speak in whispers.

"Ooh, I finally meet the one boy you liked when you were little." Julian cooes.

"We're you two close?" Pen asks me excitedly.

"Unfortunately,no. He and I rarely talked." I said and they sighed.

"Oh well. It's still not too late." Julian said. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Not too late for what?" As my question came out my chef came into the office. We all looked at him now. He didn't seem bothered by all the attention.

"Miss I'm done." He said. I nodded. He continued, "but the Solanos want me to look after you because they're not going to be back for him hours." I raised my eyebrow and just kept nodding,anger slowly building up inside my chest. I got off the desk and just stood trying to control myself. I finally spoke.

"They said what?" I asked politely but everyone should know it's the calm before shit hits the fan.

"They want me to watch you." He said like I'm stupid.

"Okay, well you're gonna call them and tell them that they don't need to worry about me. I'm fine. And tell them to get the fuck off of my back." I said calmly.

"Okay. Right away." He said and started to leave.

"Oh and Kacey?" He paused before he looked back at me.


"Remember me?"

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