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Hey y'all. Alright so what did you think about the last chapter? Write in the comments what you think and vote. It's up to you. Love y'all. Oh that's Kacey's brother Rick. 


Pain. It's all I felt right now. I don't do too good with pain. When Ms red comes to visit, it's not really the best experience.

"Oh God are you okay?" He asked and I nodded weakly. Silvia took my hand and helped me sit down while she scolded handsome for bumping into me. Jade helped her to get me to the couch while Sinister passed a bag of ice to one of the boys who passed it to Silvia. She then raised my shirt and examined my stomach. Silvia's kinda our family doctor. Well she was until...

"Dear it doesn't look like it's gonna leave a bruise but I'll just put the ice on your stomach to prevent it if it does." She said and put the ice bag on my stomach. I hissed at the cold feeling of it and the slight sting I felt from the wound. I had my eyes closed the whole time.

"Mom she's gonna be okay right?" The boy asked looking a bit worried. Aww,he cares about me even when he doesn't know me. That's so adorable. I smiled.

"I'm okay." I said out loud.

"No you're not Mya—" I cut Silvia off.

"No, I'm completely okay. Nothing to worry about." I assured her and sat up only to be met with pain. I groaned and sat back. "Okay,this is just a glitch." I said sarcastically.

"Dear just sit here while I get dinner ready. " She said worriedly and I obliged. I nodded with a smile and she got back to the kitchen. Now Jade was sitting next to me. Then handsome walked over to where we were and took a seat next to me.

"I'm so sorry. I was just being stupid then bumped into you. I'm so sorry." He said. I smiled.

"It's okay. I'm okay. Nothing to worry about." I assured him.

"Okay. I'm Rick." He said sheepishly.

"Amya Alvarez." I said.

"I'm really sorry. Are you really okay?" He asked again.

"Yeah yeah,calmo. I'm fine." I said. He nodded in relief.

"Hey, I recognize that accent. You're from Spain?" He asked.

"Yep. From my dad's side. My mom is American." I said proudly.

"Oh okay. Wait, you're from Spain,your last name is Alvarez... Are you...?" He trailed off.

"She's Andrade's daughter." Sinister hollered from the kitchen.

"Oh, you're Mya? Little Mya. Do you remember that we used to play a lot when we were kids? You always called me sneaky Ricky?" He said with a laugh. Then it snapped. Ricky. I gasped and hugged him immediately. Then the pain escalated by a tenth fold. I groaned but still hugged him. I haven't seen this dude since I was like six. We began talking and catching up on the past when I realized something. His brother isn't here. So I asked,

"Hey Ricky, where's your brother?" He smirked and I immediately knew what was coming next.

"Oh you mean the brother that you had been crushing on for three whole years?" He teased and laughed. I rolled my eyes and playfully hit him.

"I didn't have a crush on him. I already told you a thousand times before but you always  teased me for no r—" I was cut off.

"Kids dinner's ready."  Silvia said and I stood up quickly. It still hurt to stand up straight but I was good.

"Woah careful there M." Ricky said and I rolled my eyes at him. We walked to the table and Silvia told us to sit. We all sat and started munching on the food.

"Ricky,you didn't answer my question earlier." I sang. He sighed with a soft smile.

"Kacey's in Australia. He's with a friend for his sister's wedding." He explained and I nodded. Sinister was just staring at me and Rick. Silvia nudged him in the stomach and he groaned and glared at Silvia for a while until he gave up and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He whispered something to her which made her cheeks a bright pink. She then looked down at her food with a shy smile. So cute! We all ate and talked. Turns out that Jade is actually nineteen and is in NYU. She has a boyfriend and they've been together since she was seventeen. For Ricky he's still as single as ever. He's quite hot but he prefers to go from one girl to another. It kinda pisses me off but I learnt to never involve yourself in someone's business. He's twenty six. So grown.

"So Mya,tell us how you've been doing." Jade said.

"Well, I'm twenty two now, I'm taking up my dad's business for the mean time as he's in Venezuela supervising the finishing of the the branch he's building there and I don't have a boyfriend. Yay." I said.

"Oh really. You better take care of yourself. If I remember correctly you didn't really like eating." Silvia warned.

"Silvia, I'm twenty two. I can take care of myself." I said. She sighed.

"Yeah but ya can't." I gasped as though I was offended. "Oh c'mon, you know I'm right. When was the last time you eat something today?" She asked and I thought back. I only had an onion rings and an apple this morning. Penelope had to miss work today and Solidad was late.

"Um,does an onion ring and an apple count?" I asked with a guilty smile on my face.

"No it doesn't sweetie. Proving me right. You need to eat more sweetie,if you don't you could risk getting anaemia. Remember the last time you had that?" She asked referring to when I was five.

"Yes." I answered innocently. Ricky laughed next to me.

"She was always groaning and had this high fever that made her look like she was drunk." He said and I kicked him under the table. He hissed and I smiled in content. Soon we were done and it was getting late. Jade and Ricky exchanged numbers with me and I bid a farewell as my car appeared in the driveway. Cliff was looking happy to see me for some reason and I smiled at that anyways. I've done a lot of smiling today. I entered the car and Cliff closed the door. As we left I waved at Rick who stool at the door. I'm so tired.

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