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This bitvh really made another story. I hate myself for not focusing on one book.

But hey atleast i have something to do this quarantine.

date started: 04/03/20
date finished: i d k

ogay lets start


"Park Hyeyoung omg eAT FASTER" my brother, Park Jinyoung shouted at me. I glared at him as a signal to wait.

Yes yes hello, here is my lovely twin, Park Jinyoung. Pretty, handsome, girl magnet but single. Boring right? Majority of the girls in our school love him, well he loves me more cuz im his twin.

And i'm Park Hyeyoung, not flexing (iM THE YOUNG FLEXER C'MON -yoo kihyun) or anything but i am famous at school. Not because of my academics but also may beautiful face. Also my talents, i play the piano and-- is roasting people a talent? i'll take that as a yes.

my phone vibrated and showed a notification from my bestfriend, partner in crime, all time buddy, double b BamBam.

I grabbed my phone and opened my phone and saw his text message.

《ichur boi double b》

Are you still having ur breakfast?
If so please hurry the fck up.

I dont take orders from hoes.

idc bitvh just huRRY UP

girl chill get a coffee first or smting

I closed my phone and smiled at our short conversation. I drank my orange juice and grabbed my bag.

"Ok jyp im ready letsgo" i told my brother and he stood up rolling his eyes at me. "That took forever." He said and i looked at him giving him a glare. "Can u somehow express gratitude that i finished my breakfast a bit early than usual?" I told him and he just walked away and headed to the car.

I followed him and hopped inside the car. Our driver glanced at us to check if both of us are here and he started the car.

"oh please drive through starbucks first and order my favorite drink, thanks!" I smiled at him in the side mirror. "Sure! How about u jinyoung?" He looked at jinyoung and he smiled.

"I'll also be getting my favorite drink, thanks!" He told Chan.

Oh btw, chan is the name of our driver. Me and jinyoung are pretty close to him sooo, we are cool.

"So, how's the weekend?" Chan asked us, still smiling. I looked at the mirror and fixed my curled ponytail. "Well, like usual, very boring." I answered and jinyoung laughed.

"Yeah right, it was boring because your friends didn't come at the house eh?" Jinyoung teased me. I looked at him, "its because they are busy ok!" I growled at him.

"How about u Chan? How's ur weekend?" Jinyoung asked him back and chan smiled. "Oh btw, when i was driving your mom i think that was a saturday night, he was with a man on our way home. Who is he?" Chan asked and me and jinyoung looked at each other and sighed.

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