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"ya hyeyoung what about mark's mom?" changkyun said trying to catch up because i was walking too fast.

"none of your business, changkyun," i coldly replied still feeling a little guilty since changkyun is a complete holy child but is hot too.

"ouch, you hurted my feelings. ok yugyeom bambam seungkwan it's your turn to find out," changkyun gave up and yugyeom came infront of me running.

"TELL ME WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT," he shouted as he stretched his arms to block me. i rolled my eyes at him. i pushed him from blocking my way and continued walking fast. 

"don't be a baby bitch! just tell us, LOSER," seungkwan said still trying to catch up behind me. are they really going to bug me for my whole life? do i just tell them or no? what do i do?

"ok SHIT OK SIT DOWN FIRST," i commanded them and they stopped walking and ran to the nearest bench, i just followed them and stood infront of them.

"are you literally just going to stand there--"

"try speaking against me i will not tell the story. do not speak when i speak, understand?" i pointed at them and changkyun acted like he was closing a zipper in his mouth and the rest nodded like a puppy.

"ok so yesterday my mom suprisingly invited us for a family dinner. we thought it was some fake set up for people to think we are a good family like every and other dinners we do," i said and they kept nodding, listening to my stories.

"then, mark was going to a family dinner too. i didn't know at first and why would i care that much so i shrugged it off," i added and changkyun started to think. he was looking at the sky confused.

"i think they're adopting mark?---" bambam spoke and i hit him playfully.

"don't jump into conclusions!" i said and he crawled up into a ball. i sighed and just continued. "then chan drove us to the restaurant where their gravy is like a knock off mcdonalds but hey the sushi is great so i was kinda chill when i first got inside," i told them and seungkwan started to have this curious and weird face to me and i just mouthed him 'what' and i rolled my eyes.

"then, me and jinyoung are just casually talking, talking how great i am,"

"so you're talking about non sense?" yugyeom asked and i was ready to throw my hands at him.

"do you WANT TO DIE?" i threatened him with raising my fist in the air, ready to land in yugyeom's cheeks but i was stopped when changkyun said, "CONTINUE NOW HYEYOUNG I CAN'T WAIT,'' 

i slowly put down my hand and stood properly. "ok shit fine so demanding. then freaking mark and his parents came. ofcourse i was shocked because i don't want my parents to adopt that twerp," i said crossing my arms.

"so you're parents adopted mark?" bambam said again and had this shocked and surprised face. i hit him again but this time it's on the side of brutal. "I SAID DON'T JUMP INTO CONCLUSIONS," i shouted at him and he just flinched in his seat and stuttered sorry a lot of times.

"ok then my mom suddenly told us that one of us is having an arrangement," i slowly said and saw their faces change into a surprised one. all of them started panicking and did weird things like jumping around and shouting but i only just stared at them because why not.

"i'm not DONE YET," i shouted at them and they immediately sat back at the bench. they looked like puppies waiting for treats. 

"and duh, it's obviously me," i said after a long pause and they all began shouting and screaming and jumping around like they won something. 

"and duh, it's obviously mark," yugyeom stopped jumping and crossed his arms at me, smirking. i looked back at him angrily and rolled my eyes. meanwhile seungkwan, changkyun and bambam just kept dancing together.

"shut up cabbage," i shortly replied to yugyeom and he just chuckled. 

"omg hyeyoung i can't believe you're finally finding the love of your life!" bambam cheered, holding my shoulders and shaking me. i looked at him weirdly and tried to show off my eyes rolling. 

"for your information kunpimook bhuwakul, arranged marriage is not real love. it's fake love and i'm forced to. yet i have no choice since my mom is a big fat 

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