Cut Off

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Dear Diary,

So a lot has happened, I got Lauras case file thanks to her mom. It says her dad killed her, explains why Ms. Palmer didnt want to talk about it. Her dad died shortly after they figured out it was him. I've also figured out the man in my dreams is FBI agent Dale Cooper! As this gets more weird I get more invested. Which is probably odd compared to most people, but I need to know why these people are in my dreams and what they are trying to tell me. Dale Cooper and Laura were in my dream last night. Laura told me "to be careful, Bob might get you" and Dale was asking for help to "Get Out" and "to follow the forest". Then a midget in a red suit came in and started dancing. Well I have to go shop for school supplies with my mom now.

Much Love Your Pal,


Kays and Audrey are at Hornes department store picking up school supplies.

Kaya: So, mom...

Audrey: Yes, Kaya Kaya: Did you know a agent Dale cooper?

Audrey stops and looks at her.

Audrey: Why-how do you know who that is?

Kaya: I've just been intrigued by Laura palmer case and her death.

Audrey: wasnt everybody.

Kaya: Anyways I decided to look more into it and interviewed some people around town about it.

Audrey: Kaya, no. I dont want you going around bothering people. This Laura business has to stop now.

Kaya: But mom why?

Audrey: Because I just told you.

Kaya: But mom-

Audrey: No Kaya, I dont want to hear it. Let it go.

Kaya: Fine, I was just asking about Dale cooper. Gosh!

Dear Diary,

Mom has banned me from looking more into the Laura Palmer case, but that isnt stopping me. I was looking over the file tonight and I found out that the place I visited in the woods a couple weeks ago is where laura got killed. Must be why I heard screaming. I plan to go back and visit there soon. I got my school supplies, school starts in 3 weeks I must try to get as much done with this case as I can before school starts. Think I'll start by interviewing my dad tomorrow, he was a suspect in the beginning but of course he didnt do it. Oh mom is coming better hide my things. Later.

You Pal,


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