First Day at Twin Peaks High

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-Sorry guys for taking so long to update, I've started school so I've been pretty busy, plus my computer crashed and I don't know yet if it will be rebooted or I have to buy a new one. Thanks for reading much love, Ange-

It's the red room, Laura is sitting on an armchair the miget is in the next one besides her. Kaya sits diagonal of Laura she says. "You know my secrets, but not all of them. Bobby has a great shot." Dale appears and whispers in Kaya's ear "Follow the owl." Dale starts to run and screams out of the room "Try and catch me!" Kaya wakes up in a sweat.

It's Kaya's first day at school, she would be excited but her dream has lead her distracted. The first day glooms with introductions and Kaya being new got some attention as well.  As Kaya blanks out and focuses on her dream from last night. She wonders what it could mean, follow the owl? That owl that follows me, how am I suppose to follow it, she ask her self. Soon her attention runs back the teacher as she introduces her to the class, the teacher asks her to some up. 

"Great again." she mumbles to herself, everyone is staring at her one girl scoffs, unimpressed.

One kids asks, "Doesn't your family own the Hornes department store and lodge?"

"Yes, my grandfather is Ben Horne. It's his. "

"So what brings you here to twin peaks?" the teacher asks

"My grandfather is has cancer so were taking care of him." Kaya says bluntly

"Aw, well we hope he get better, dear. Oh about the class all makes get well cards for Kaya's grandfather, right class?"

The class unenthusiastic agrees, great it's already the first day and all her classmates have to make get well cards for her.

While the teacher rambles on about more hornes contribution to Twin Peaks, the migets appears in Kaya's desk. He's snapping his fingers and points at the owl outside. Her eyes get big and she's shakes her head to check her sanity.The miget is gone so is the owl. Why is she seeing the miget now? and not in her dreams? The teacher is finished and Kaya and she goes back to her seat. This is getting weird. 

It's lunch time, Kaya decided to do some more research and goes up to the librarian.

"Hello sir, um do you have the yeatbook from 1988-89 and last year here. Kaya asks

"Yes, the one from last year is over there." pointing to a self behind her 

"...and the older ones are back here. I'll get it. I must tell you, that you are not allowed to check them out." The librarian says

"Thank you sir."

She gets the yearbooks toogether and compares the teachers lists. Only two people are still here from 1989, Mr.Webb the librarian and English teacher Ms. Molly. Hopefully Ms.Molly didn't leave this year, she could've taught Laura. She highly doubted Mr. Webb knew anything but it was worth a try. Kaya walked up to Mr. Webb with the old yearbook to give back.

"Hello, Mr.Webb, I'm Kaya I was wondering if I could talk to you for a second?"

"Oh yes, you need any help finding something?

"Yeah well kind of, um I was wondering if you remember anything about former student Laura Palmer?"

"Oh, Laura Palmer, haven't heard that name in a while. I could never forget her, such a charming young lady. She used to come in here at lunch time to study. Busy and smart girl, such a shame what happend to her."

"So you do remember, wow."

"Oh yes actually she came to be a libraian aid her last year here up to her death. She was very helpful.

The worked in the library too damn this girl did everything, Kaya thought to herself.

"I was wondering if you knew anything about a black or red lodge or if she mentitioned anything about one to you?"

"Oh sorry, no. Not to me."

"Oh okay thanks anyway."

Dead end. Kaya knew maybe if she followed the owl it might lead her to the lodge or something close to figuring this all out. 

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