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Poe's POV

"He left, I can't believe he went after her, that idiot!" I complain to Elise who is sitting in the Falcon while I pace in front of her. Finn was going to get himself killed because he thinks he knows Rey, psh nobody knows Rey, not even him. 

"I agree, he should've let Rey deal with it herself, she is strong enough." When we came out of the Falcon 30 minutes ago we weren't expecting to see Finn and that women, I think her name is Jannah, in one of those death trap boats that Rey took earlier. Not to mention we saw Kylo's ship land in the destroyed base not too long ago, my best friends were in trouble and unless I wanted us all to die, there was nothing I could do. 

"Did she have all of the parts we needed?" She asked me, obviously trying to get my mind off of Finn, "Yes, Chewy is getting it all put together outside, she's pretty much fixed." I sigh and sit down next to her and she places her hand on my back. 

It was obvious that she was worried for me as stress radiated off of me, but I couldn't stop it, not with everything going on. We were in the middle of a war and my friends are out on their own, giving themselves a death sentence. Not to mention the fact I have an arm that was shot by a bullet and a girlfriend who is obviously sick, though she would never admit it. 

We were sitting quietly by ourselves when suddenly a loud gasp came out of Elise and her face grew pale. "El, what's wrong." I ask her, who stays frozen in her spot. She looks at me with her green eyes that now seem to have tears in them, "We need to go back to Kloss, I think something bad has happened, I feel it." She says and worry fills my stomach. 

I run outside to Chewy and C3PO, "Is the ship ready, we need to go. pronto." Chewy growls back a 'yes' to me and him and the droids follow me back into the ship. I hop into the pilot seat and Chewy goes into his spot. We start up the ship with no problems and soon zoom off into the wreckage.

"Keep your eyes open for the others." I say as we fly along the edges of the old base. "There!" Elise yells, pointing in front of us where Jannah and Finn were standing, watching Ren's Tie-Fighter fly into hyperspace. 

They hear our ship and Elise runs down to open the door for them and soon the two come running into the cockpit, but I realize that Rey was missing. 

"Where's Rey." I ask and Finn shakes his head. "She took off in Kylo's ship, no clue where she went but she's alive." 

"That's good enough for me, Elise sensed something was wrong back on base, Jannah are you coming with us." I ask the women and she shakes her head, "No I can't leave the others, but if you need our help we will me more than willing to do so." 

We drop Jannah off to where the others were and speed off to Ajan Kloss, clueless to what would  happen once we got there. 


Elise's POV

I felt Leia's death, it was peaceful and content, I don't know why I couldn't tell Poe in that moment, maybe because I didn't want it to be true.

I was the last person off of the Falcon when we got back to base, Poe and Finn plowing their way through the groups of people around.

"Poe, something's happened." Commander D'acy tried to stop Poe, but failed, and I knew my gut was right. "Not now, we need to see the general." He pushes past her and I look at her with pain filled eyes and she nods at me. 

"She's gone." is all that she says, causing the others to turn back around, understanding what has happened. 

I look at Poe, a tear falling down my cheek, but the most painful part of it all was Chewy's sad groans, he falls to the ground and curls himself into a ball. It's official all of his best friends are gone, even C3PO doesn't remember him. I was going to go with Finn and Poe to comfort him, but a tap on my shoulder stopped me. It was Doc.

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