Chapter 1

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Champion wakes suddenly, gasping. Her head was spinning, so much so that it took her a minute to realize what she was doing. She felt her left ear and there was only a small bit of the start was there, covering her white hand with blood as she felt it. It had happened. She wipes of the wet blood onto her already stained jeans and lifts herself up. She is in a cemetery with hundreds of gravestones around her. She looked around and saw Welsknight fighting 2 zombies. Joe and TFC. She runs up to him and he swings his sword at her. She holds up her hands.
"What? Are you every man for himself?" He stops and looks at her confused.
"But-" He is caught off guard by TFC and Champ grabs her sword off her back and slices off TFC's head. Joe whimpers and runs away from them.
"What is it, Wels. Spit it out." She barks at the now scared knight.
"You died." She frowns.
"You died. Biffa had got to you. Biffa ran off when Iskall and Mumbo found you and tried to help you but you were even too dead to become one." Champ blinks. Had Biffa got to her that bad?
"But how am I alive now and talking to you?"
"Well, you are definitely not alive. An advanced zombie maybe." He gestures to her. Yes, she was in no condition to be able to be alive. Wels puts his hand to her one and feels the pulse.
"There is no pulse," But how?

23 hours earlier.
Champion races through the bush, cutting the bush as she runs from Biffa. Grian had accidentally put a splash potion of swiftness on Biffa so now it was even harder to escape him. She runs into a town. Hermitville. She runs through the town, Biffa gaining on her. She stops and goes to grab her sword but Biffa beats her to it. He grabs her ear and tears it off painfully. The slow tear with the zombies' strength was excruciating and she dropped down to her knees and yelps in pain. She screams even though people weren't around for miles and catches her breath and passes out.

30 minutes later.
"Where is Champ? She said she would be here in 10 minutes." Iskall grumbles. Mumbo sighs.
"This is a zombie apocalypse, you can expect people to be late. For all, we know she could be dead." He says the last bit to himself.
"Then let's go find her." Mumbo nods and grabs his bow. They walk past the gates and walk towards the giant hermit land sign. It was now broken, leaning sideways. They walk to Sahra street and see a person laying in the middle of the road with a zombie next to them. Eating them. They run up to them and the two are Biffa and Champion. Biffa runs off at the sight of the two and leaves the bleeding Champ on the concrete. What was left of one of her ears was bleeding out?
"Champ," Mumbo says quietly, tears in his eyes. Iskall picks her up and starts carrying her back to the settlement. Her blue shirt had rips in it and was covered in blood as well as her jeans.
"I can't believe it," Mumbo says as he knocks on the giant stone wall. The gate opens and Keralis yelps.
"Champ!" Cleo comes running out of her tent.
"Where is she?" XB and Cleo run-up to Iskall, Champ limb in his arms. XB shakes his head.
"She's dead."

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