Sweet Justice part 3

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[theme song playing]


Zatanna: Ladies and gentalman, after a night like tonight, there's only one thing that can cement this friendship. Frosting!

Kara, Zatanna, Karen, Jessica: Sweet Justice!

Kara, Zatanna, Karen, Jessica: Sweet Justice!

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Kara: You do not wanna miss this.

Babs: How did I not know about this?

Barry: Hey, guys. So, what's the haps, what's poppin', what's the latest? Can I get you something sweet? Sure hope so, 'cause that's what we have. It's sort of our specialty.

Jessica, Kara, Karen, Zatanna: Hi, Barry.

Barry: So, what'll it be? The usual? The usual? The usual? The usual? The usua—

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Barry: So, what'll it be? The usual? The usual? The usual? The usual? The usua—

Zatanna: Babs will have the candy cake triple ripple tower with the rainbow sprinkles, and Diana will have the death by chocolate. Figure of speech, Diana. And Peter will have a strawberry sundae.

Barry: Here you go. Oh, hey, nice to meet you, Diana.

Diana: It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I shall await your text message in three days' time.

Jessica: Well, what are you waiting for?

Diana: [gasp] [munching] [gasp] Never have I tasted such wonderment. More. I must have more of this magical concoction. Do you intend to eat that?

Karen: Uh...

Diana: [munching]

Karen: Diana...

Diana: SISTERS AND BROTHER! This food is more delectable than ambrosia, this place more perfect than Elysium. I declare that we must celebrate our every future victory here and thus!

Babs: Sweet Justice for the win!

Diana: I do not know what that means!

Sweet Justice owner man: Hey, what are you doing? We turned down the offer. Get out of here, please.

Sweet Justice owner woman: We said we wouldn't sell. Barry, go get our lawyer.

Jessica: Lawyer? Why do they need a lawyer?

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