II. Feathers

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Some time has passed, you were now in present time. Life had came back to normal almost as if nothing had happened. The recovery had took some time, your new humanoid robotic parts needed some tests before you left the facility.

Your new cyborg lifestyle felt way better, you had been more stronger and keen to your surroundings. Thanks to your aunt Dr. Izui, she gave you another chance at life, successfully replacing your missing limbs and enhancing your senses. The technology quirk ran in your blood, so it was a lot easier for you to adjust. She even gave you the wings you always wanted, and absolutely judged you for it.

"Wings? Seriously? What's next a damn tail?"

You had been hired by Endeavor for a project, he had emailed you earlier regarding a "nullifying," tool you may have in the works. You responded to the email eager to help him out, it would be the first time in awhile you collaborated with a hero. A first for a number #1 hero, it'll look great on your portfolio especially since you haven't taken any commissions recently.

The main reason being because you had just finished your medical school classes online, some of it had tied with your scientific studies so you passed with a perfect score.

He wanted you to come over as soon as possible, with the scripts and information you have regarding it. You had to meet him at his agency around the evening, not that you minded much but it was quite a commute back.
You had lived near Kyushu, Japan so you had to travel by Hosu City to get to him.
Instead of taking public transportation, Endeavor had sent you over a personal cab so you would get there quicker. You've gotten acquainted with the cab driver after awhile, she had been a hero escort that drove pretty reckless.

Finally, you made it to Endeavor's agency. It was a tall, black, luxurious skyscraper type building. You were escorted up by a sidekick, she had lime green hair, wearing a light gray jacket. Personally, you found her outfit a little scandalous, but she had pretty high energy and introduced herself right away.

"Moe Kamiji, you're Battle Angel right? The inventor medic,"

You chuckled, you didn't know how to respond on being called 'inventor medic'. You had a decent amount of fanboys that visited your penthouse leaving fanmail, that called you way more unusual names.

"Pleasure to meet you Kamiji," you shook her hand and politely bowed your head. Your wings bounced, lighting up the hallway.

"Good luck! Inventor medic!" She had pointed in the direction where the office was, and then waved turning away from you. You've already known where it was, she probably wanted to take a closer look at who you may have been.

The meeting was short and simple, you had given him a script on a nullifying agent that could combat villains. However, he didn't specify that it was for Nomus, stumping you.

"Hmm, well their composition is a little different I thought you needed a temporary 'quirk nulling' agent for villains.." You felt like you should've asked more details regarding his request.
Endeavor didn't seem to understand what you meant by that so you elaborated a bit more.

" I understand that Nomus are 'artificial humans' per say, but their body composition were altered to hold multiple quirks.. particularly requiring a way more enhanced nullifier.. However there are rumors that there are several types of Nomus, so even if I formulated something their DNA structure is unpredictable for me to combat." You explained fiddling with your hair, knowing he wouldn't be at ease with your response.

Endeavor sighed,

"So, what the nullifying item were you constructing originally?"

He seemed rather calm, you were surprised because of his well known 'hot headed' behavior wasn't taking over at this point.

"Oh, I don't know if you heard but.. Kai Chisaki created a 'Quirk-destroying Drug' they're bullets that reverses you to a prior state.... It's similar to that, but it doesn't reverse or anything, it temporarily 'freezes' your quirk because it has some quirkless DNA within the serum.. It takes 5 minutes to take effect, and lasts for 30."

You skillfully twirled a pen in your hand while explaining, the pen traveled between each finger and twirled it towards your left hand.

"I'll give you a few to keep, but I don't think it'll work in Nomus, use it carefully!" You warned him, using your pen to jot down your notes so that Endeavor can review later on.

"Okay! Any questions?"

"If you need extra protection (Y/N), I can make an offer," He had been hinting for you to join his agency for quite some time now, he's been hiring you for gigs here and there.

He had known your parents way before they had passed, well acquainted with him. Always giving him an extra hand if he needed it. He was a family friend, always motivated to do more, but really stubborn.

"I'll call you if anything, Endeavor! Don't worry about me I'm stronger than I look," you let out a hearty laugh, getting up from the desk.

"You live back in Fukuoka right? Can you deliver this package to Hawk's facility?" He handed you a medium sized boxed package,

" He's a little annoying, but there's a mailbox so you can drop it off inside." He added, while you picked up the box, shaking it a little. It seemed like you were inspecting to see what was inside...

"Don't do that,"


He escorted you out of the facility, he had night patrols in another part of town so he had to hurry out. Endeavor had called the chauffeur from before, to drop you off near Hawk's facility to drop off the mail. You thanked him, before taking off into the cab.


The cab driver dropped you off near the facility, she had offered to drive you back home but you said that you rather walk from here.

"Goodnight, thank you." You has closed the car door letting her drive off.

You rushed over to the facility, placing the package into the mailbox. You shut the mailbox door, pushing the package back into the deposit area.

From the corner of your eye, it looked like someone had been watching you.. it creeped you out.

"These fanboys are getting annoying,"

You muttered, as you lightly jogged your way out of there. You didn't want it to make it super obvious that you knew someone had been watching you.
Making random turns, and cuts down the street you heard the footsteps getting louder.

"Please go away," you whispered to yourself hoping that whoever this was would stop following you.

The foot steps stopped, it sounded like whoever that was had leaped over about to pounce on you. You turned around, before you were about to react, red feathers covered your peripheral vision.

As familiar as it seemed, you couldn't help but panic as the feathers flipped you upside down.

"Put me down!" You screamed

Winged Cyborg {Hawks x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now