III. Reunion

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You were hanging upside down spinning, whoever was doing this was clearly toying with you. The spinning was starting to get you nauseous, but you had to hold your pencil skirt down, it had been sliding up.

"Cut it out!"

You had used your other hand to cover your mouth, your stomach turning as your eyes started to tear up from nausea. Suddenly the feathers swung you up, you tumbled ontop of the roof, head spinning you gagged.

Crawling over to the winged male, you looked up at him recognizing him. He had been looking down at you, his face was dark with malicious intent.

"Ah, Keigo that was mean! Is that your way of saying hi after all these years?"

Hawks blinked, not really recognizing you at first, but in complete disbelief because you were pronounced dead. His facial expression softened, his eyebrows raised. Oops, this had been someone that knew him.. not a thief.


"Kazooie...? Oh god you don't remember me at all? What was the point of picking me up like that? New hobby of making girls vomi-"

Hawks had interrupted you, grabbing you by the waist and swinging you around. He started flying, and spinning. You could tell he was happy, going off about something you couldn't focus on because you haven't recovered from the buildup of nausea earlier.

You threw up

On his jacket

Hawks was pretty grossed out, immediately dropping you from his grip and taking off his jacket, being cautious of the vomit not getting anywhere else.

"Gross, I guess we are even now,"

he chuckled, folding his jacket and putting it to the side.

Before you hit the ground, you had used your wings to hover over him.

"You tryna kill me again?" Hands on your hips, judging the hero who had dropped you.

"Again? Owch.. But you have wings now so use em, Angel."

He winked looking up at you, not that he would've let you fall down anyway but he observed that you had an 'upgrade' so he wanted to see if you can use them.

"I've heard about a 'battle angel' helping casualties but I didn't think you were serious about that corny name.. My fault for not confirming sooner," Hawks teased, hiding his guilt for not investigating whether or not it was you.

"Okay what's yours? Named after a bird or something?" You mocked,

"You already know my 'hero' name, dummy."

Hawks had gotten up from the roof, flying and hovering over you instead. He liked that you were still shorter than him, it made it easier for him to use you as an armrest to piss you off.

"Ok shorty, I have to finish patrolling.. Oh,"

He poked your halo, putting a little card in between. It wasn't really holding well so you had snatched it out of his hand.

"Wow feisty Angel! Well that's my number we can catch up later... Do me a favor and wash my jacket please?"

He raised his hands interwinding his fingers with each other, practically begging you. You couldn't say no, you messed up his jacket anyway.

"Mm, fine." You huffed

"Bye! Thanks Angel! A literal one!" Hawks flew past you waving, you would've joined him but you don't want to interrupt his work... Besides you had some work to do.


As soon as you got into your penthouse, you threw the jacket into the washer and put it on a hot setting. You wanted to make sure the vomit and stench completely removes, even though it wasn't your fault he was spinning you like a maniac.
Of course you've checked the pockets beforehand, finding some keys and.. some snacks.

You put Hawks number into the phone, and decided to hit him up, you weren't sure if this was his house keys or not.

(Y/N): hey so I just put your jacket to wash

(Y/N): uhhh I think I have your keys... you can come pick them up after youre done

.....Sharing location with Hawks....

(Y/N): yeah so I'm on the top floor, [A1] please knock and dont sneak in and give me a heart attack

(Y/N): thx

Hawks had decided to listen to directions for once, he finished patrol around 3am and hit you up with a text.

Hawks: ok so im here..

Hawks: heading up..

Hawks: you're probably asleep though

He pressed a button on the elevator, it didn't take long for it to come down since it had been late at night.


The elevator opened, nobody had been on it but it smelled like liquor. He stepped into the elevator and took a deep breath, pressing the top floor button, [A]. On the way up, he had been checking if you responded, no response. Not like there was service in the elevator anyway..

Your penthouse had been all the way to the back, Hawks had to make a few turns to figure out where it was. He knocked on the door, but the door opened by itself.

"(Y/N)....? Angel..?" He stepped into the apartment, he felt a hand pulling him in, nearly stumbled over machinery. The penthouse was dark.. then suddenly he saw your figure next to him glowing.

Hawks jumped, backing up and slamming the door shut.

"Fuck, you scared me." He brushed his hair back with his fingers, chest heaving and wings sticking upwards in a defensive stance.

Your glowing figure looked heavenly, hair flowing, and your figure pulsing with little led lights like a heart beat.

"I'm charging, I need to be in the dark to charge.. sorry.."

You awkwardly handed over his keys, which had been around your wrist the whole time. An endeavor keychain, typical. He grabbed them putting it in his pants pocket, eyes practically straining from how dark it was in your penthouse.

"Hey.. I'm pretty exhausted, mind if I stay over?" Hawks had given you a tired smile, giving you a thumbs up

"Don't you live across the street from me? You don't snore right? I don't really remember.." You were picking at your nails, blowing at invisible dust on them

"C'mon you vomited on my jacket, and I had to patrol cold!" He forced out a fake cough, and then literally said "achoo" instead of attempting to sneeze.

"Big baby Kazooie can stay over." You yawned, leading him over to the sofa, pulling it out into a bed. A gadget had been on the bed, but you slapped it off.

"What was that?"

"Probably a vibrator," you sounded pretty convincing for a joke

Hawks gasped looking disgusted at you, faking a gag.

"Okay, relax it's just a remote for-"

Hawks had leaped onto the sofa, his arms behind his head and his wings folding to adjust to his comfort.

"Nice! Thanks firefly, you should sleep here too, like a night light or something," He suggested patting the spot behind him, wiggling his eyebrows.

"That was the intention..but you started wiggling your eyebrows, now I want to kick you out."

"Noo! Okay Angel, I'll be quiet and still!"

"Yeah. Sure."

You slept next to him, you were radiating a little heat since you had been still charging overnight. Eventually your glowing tuned with your soft breathing, making you a 'cyborg night light'.

Winged Cyborg {Hawks x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now