VII. Hangover

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Hangovers are never fun, drink with caution and make sure you stay hydrated! You're a medic and you know that, but you were too much into your feelings and got lovesick in a literal sense. The headache wasn't so bad, but you don't drink often so it felt like hell. When morning came you were back and forth to the bathroom vomiting. Hawks held your hair and rubbed your back, he even helped take off the cat prosthetics since it started to bother you after awhile.

"There there... little (Y/N)." He cooed while patting your back as you were kneeled by the toilet. You were gagging and coughing until it was over, stomach felt empty and your memory was fuzzy from last night.

"I didn't do anything weird right? I don't remember much,"

"Just being a cat, and you told me that you got attacked by Toga."

You rubbed your temple in circular motions, groaning at the pain, at least you weren't as nauseous anymore.

"Do you need a painkiller?" He offered

"Yeah.. you know where it is right?"

Hawks already had the painkillers in his hand, it was almost as if he was prepared to take care of you regardless. He handed you the pills, with a cold glass of water. You gulped it down, shivering from how cold the water was giving you a minor brain freeze.


Continuing this one later lol

I made a quirkless x hawks on my page

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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